General medicine
Schedule of study at the FMCU during the academic year 2024/2025
Winter semester
Education: 16.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
Examination period: 02.01.2025 - 14.02.2025
Pre-terms: 09.12.2024 - 20.12.2024
Summer semester
Education: 17.02.2025 - 23.05.2025
Examination period: 26.05.2025 - 11.07.2025
Pre-terms: 12.05.2025 - 23.05.2025
Exams - last term only: 18.8.2025 - 22.8.2025
State Exams - Re-examinations and Compensative Date: 18.08.2025 - 31.08.2025
Information on Examination Dates Availability in AIS WS 2024/2025
Study Schedule as per Academic Regulations for the Academic Year 2024/2025:
Early Exam Dates: December 9–20, 2024
Registration for early exam dates in Pathological Physiology on AIS will be available starting Sunday, November 17, 2024, from 9:00 p.m.
Regular Examination Period: January 2, 2025, to February 14, 2025
Exam dates will be made available according to the academic regulations at least 3 weeks before the start, i.e., from Sunday, December 10, 2024, at 9:00 p.m.
Information for 4th-year students with deferred exams (SS 2024/2025)
In the summer semester, exam dates for Pathophysiology will be scheduled at the beginning of the exam period, in May.
June exam dates will be reserved exclusively for 3rd-year students.
We kindly ask you to plan and organize your studies in advance so that you can take the Pathophysiology exam within the designated period.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University
Pathological physiology course information in the winter semester 2024/2025
Pathological physiology course information in the winter semester 2024/2025
Pathological physiology course information in the summer semester 2023/2024
Pathological physiology course information in the summer semester 2023/2024
Prerequisites: guidelines 1.3.2024
Study literature
Study Literature
- McPhee, S.J. et al.: Pathophysiology of Disease: Introduction to Clinical Medicine (McGraw-Hill/LANGE; 2019, 8th edition).
- Norris, T.L.: Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. 10th ed. Wolters Kluwer 2019; ISBN 978-1-4963-7755-5.
- Silbernagel, S., Lang, F.: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology. New York: Thieme Verl., 2000, 406 p. ISBN 80-7169-968-3.
- Hulín, I. et al.: Pathophysiology, Bratislava: SAP, 1997, 696 s. ISBN 80-88908-07-8.
Textbook Pathophysiology, 1997
Bratislava, SAP 1997, 696 s.
ISBN 80-85665-90-5
Illustration Albín Brunovský 1996
Contents ( pp. i - xi )
1 Pathophysiology of the respiratory system ( I. Hulín )
1.1 The transport of oxygen to the organism (pp. 3-7)
1.2 Pathophysiology of respiration and respiratory organs (pp. 7-16)
1.3 Pneumonia (pp. 16-18)
1.4 Hypersensitive pneumonitis (pp. 16-18)
1.5 Pulmonary disorders caused by harmful substances in the inhaled air (pp. 16-18)
1.6 Chronic diseases of the airways (pp. 16-18)
1.7 Bronchiectasis (pp. 16-18)
1.8 Cystic fibrosis (of the lungs) (pp. 16-18)
1.9 Interstitial lung diseases (pp. 16-18)
1.10 Respiratory failure (pp. 32-36)
1.11 Tumours of the lung and bronchi (pp. 36-37)
1.12 Disorders of the diaphragm, thorax, pleura and mediastinum (pp. 37-43)
2 Pathophysiology of blood and haematologic system ( I. Hulín )
2.1 Haematopoiesis (pp. 16-18)
2.2 Anaemias (pp. 16-18)
2.3 Haemostasis and haemocoagulation (pp. 16-18)
2.4 Disorders of primary haemostasis (pp. 16-18)
2.5 Disorders of haemocoagulation (pp. 16-18)
2.6 Disorders of leucocytes (pp. 16-18)
2.7 Malignant haematologic diseases (pp. 81-87)
3 Pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system ( I. Hulín, F. Šimko et al. )
3.1 Functional characteristics of the cardiac muscle structure (F. Šimko, pp. 88-92)
3.2 Metabolism of cardiac muscle cell (F. Šimko, pp. 88-94)
3.3 Contraction-relaxation cycle (F. Šimko, pp. 94-97)
3.4 Contractile function of myocardium and pumping function of the heart
(F. Šimko, pp. 97-103)
3.5 Pathomechanism of heart hailure (F. Šimko, pp. 103-115)
3.6 Pathomechanism of cardiomyocyte damage of heart failure (F. Šimko, pp. 115-119)
3.7 Hypertrophy of the heart - mechanism of adaptation to chronic hemodynamic overload
(F.Šimko, pp. 119-126)
3.8 Valvular defects of the heart (F. Šimko, pp. 126-135)
3.9 Cardiomyopathies (F. Šimko, pp. 135-139)
3.10 General adaptation syndrome – stress (F. Šimko, pp. 139-145)
3.11 Congenital heart diseases (I. Hulín, L. Zlatoš, pp. 145-150)
3.12 Infective endocarditis (I. Hulín, pp. 150-152)
3.13 Pathological changes of the blood pressure (H. Sapáková, pp. 152-155)
3.14 Systemic arterial hypertension (H. Sapáková, pp. 155-162)
3.15 Secondary arterial hypertension (H. Sapáková, pp. 162-169)
3.16 Systemic arterial hypotension (D. Maasová, pp. 169-171)
3.17 Syncope (D. Maasová, pp. 171-172)
3.18 Shock states (I. Hulín, pp. 172-183)
3.19 Septic shock and septicemia (I. Hulín, pp. 183-186)
3.20 Etiopathogenesis of atherosclerosis (L. Zlatoš, pp. 186-194)
3.21 Coronary circulation disturbances (I. Hulín, pp. 194-196)
3.22 Ischaemic heart disease (I. Hulín, pp. 196-199)
3.23 Acute myocardial infarction (J. Murín, pp. 199-205)
3.24 Pathophysiology of the brain circulation (B. Mladosievičová, pp. 205-211)
3.25 The basis of the electrical action of the heart (I. Hulín, pp. 211-228)
3.26 The electrophysiological basis in the generation of cardiac arrhythmias
(I. Hulín, pp. 228-239)
3.27 Tachyarhythmia (I. Hulín, pp. 239-248)
3.28 Diseases of the venous system (J. Holzerová, pp. 248-253)
3.29 The role of endothelium in the reactivity of the vascular smooth muscle
(R. Sochorová, pp. 253-256)
4 Pathophysiology of kidneys and urinary system ( I. Hulín )
4.1 Introduction (pp. 257-258)
4.2 Basic anatomic notes (pp. 258-263)
4.3 Pecularities of renal blood flow (pp. 263-266)
4.4 The urine formation (pp. 266-275)
4.5 Disturbances of glomerular functions (pp. 275-279)
4.6 Acute renal failure (pp. 279-281)
4.7 Chronic renal failure (pp. 281-285)
4.8 Inflammatory processes of kidneys due to immunopathogenic mechanisms
(pp. 285-288)
4.9 Glomerulopathies (pp. 288-296)
4.10 Infections of the urinary tract (pp. 296-298)
4.11 Tubulointerstitial renal diseases (pp. 298-300)
4.12 Renovascular diseases (pp. 300-302)
4.13 Prae-eclampsia and eclampsia (pp. 302-302)
4.14 Hereditary renal disease (pp. 302-304)
4.15 Urolithiasis (pp. 304-305)
4.16 Urinary outflow tract disturbances (pp. 305-307)
4.17 Tumors of urinary tract (pp. 307-307)
5 Pathophysiology of endocrine system ( L. Zlatoš )
5.1 Types of endocrine disorders (pp. 308-309)
5.2 Etiology of endocrine disorders (pp. 309-310)
5.3 Pathophysiology of hypothalamic-hypophyseal system (pp. 310-325)
5.4 Pathophysiology of thyroid gland (pp. 325-356)
5.5 Patophysiology of parathyroid gland (pp. 356-366)
5.6 Pathophysiology of the adrenal glands (pp. 366-391)
5.7 Endocrine disorders of the ovaries (pp. 391-397)
5.8 Endocrine disorders of the testes (pp. 397-404)
5.9 Pathophysiology of the endocrine pancreas (pp. 404-429)
6 Pathophysiology of the nervous system ( M. Bernadič et al. )
6.1 The basic anatomical and physiological aspects (pp. 430-435)
6.2 Neuronal injury (pp. 435-437)
6.3 Neuroglia (pp. 437-437)
6.4 The basic etiopathogenetic factors in the nervous system disturbances (pp. 437-440)
6.5 Some syndroms occuring upon the injury of the nervous system (pp. 440-442)
6.6 Head injuries (pp. 442-446)
6.7 Brain edema (pp. 446-448)
6.8 Intracranial hypertension (pp. 448-450)
6.9 Hydrocephaly (pp. 450-451)
6.10 Demyelination diseases (pp. 451-454)
6.11 Degenerative diseases of the CNS (pp. 454-457)
6.12 Epilepsy (J. Holzerová) (pp. 457-464)
6.13 Disturbances of the oxygen supply to the brain (pp. 464-466)
6.14 Cerebral infarction (pp. 466-467)
6.15 Intracranial haemorhage (pp. 467-468)
6.16 Aging changes and brain tissue atrophy (pp. 468-468)
6.17 Infections (pp. 468-472)
6.18 Nutritional, toxic and metabolic dysfunctions of the brain (encephalopathies)
(pp. 472-475)
6.19 Tumors of the nervous system (pp. 475-476)
6.20 Injury of the spine (pp. 476-477)
6.21 Diseases of the motor neuron (pp. 477-478)
6.22 Peripheral nerves (pp. 478-479)
6.23 Neuromuscular diseases (pp. 479-480)
6.24 Autonomous (vegetative) nervous system (A. Kráľ) (pp. 480-495)
7 Pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract ( I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš )
7.1 Introduction (I. Ďuriš, I. Hulín) (pp. 496-497)
7.2 Oesophagus (pp. 497-498)
7.3 Diseases of the oesophagus (pp. 498-499)
7.4 Stomach and duodenum (I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš) (pp. 499-501)
7.5 Diseases of the stomach and duodenum (pp. 501-506)
7.6 Exocrine pancreas (M. Bernadič) (pp. 506-508)
7.7 Impairment of the exocrine function of pancreas (M. Bernadič) (pp. 508-510)
7.8 Small intestine (I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš) (pp. 510-514)
7.9 The large intestine (pp. 514-515)
7.10 Malabsorption (pp. 515-517)
7.11 Diarrhea (pp. 517-519)
7.12 Constipation (H. Sapáková) (pp. 519-522)
7.13 Intestinal obstruction (M. Turčáni) (pp. 522-526)
7.14 Inflammation and other intestinal diseases (I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš) (pp. 526-529)
7.15 Tumours of the GIT (pp. 529-531)
7.16 Bleeding from GIT (pp. 531-533)
7.17 Abdominal pain (pp. 533-535)
7.18 The Liver (D. Maasová) (pp. 535-540)
7.19 Pathophysiology of the liver (D. Maasová) (pp. 540-547)
7.20 Jaundice (D. Massová) (pp. 547-552)
7.21 Diseases of the gallbladder (D. Maasová) (pp. 552-553)
7.22 Gastrointestinal hormones (I. Ďuriš) (pp. 553-556)
8 Pathophysiology of bones and joints ( D. Maasová et al. )
8.1 Introduction (pp. 557-562)
8.2 Generalized skeleton disorders (pp. 562-568)
8.3 Localized bone disorders (pp. 568-569)
8.4 Disorders of joints (I. Šulková, M. Bakošová) (pp. 569-576)
9 Inflammation and fever ( I. Hulín, M. Ferenčík, V. Štvrtinová, J. Jakubovský )
9.1 Inflammation (pp. 577-633)
9.2 Fever (I.Hulín) (pp. 634-640)
10 Pathophysiology of malignant diseases ( B. Mladosievičová )
10.1 Carcinogenesis (pp. 641-646)
10.2 Cellular oncogenes (pp. 646-647)
10.3 Characteristics of cancer cells (pp. 647-651)
10.4 Tumor growth and development (pp. 651-653)
10.5 Predisposing factors of cancer cells (pp. 653-653)
10.6 Characteristics of benign tumors (pp. 653-654)
10.7 Pathophysiology of malignant disease (pp. 654-658)
10.8 Immune surveillance and cancer (pp. 658-658)
11 Fluids and electrolytes ( H. Sapáková, D. Maasová )
11.1 Fluids disorders (H. Sapáková) (pp. 659-666)
11.2 Electrolyte balance and its disturbances (H. Sapáková) (pp. 666-674)
11.3 Disorders of acid- base homeostasis (D. Maasová, Š. Navarčíková) (pp. 674-681)
Index ( pp. 683 - 696 )
List of Figures ( pp. xiii - xv )
List of Tables ( pp. xvii )
Exam questions of Pathological Physiology
Optional subjects (4th - 5th class)
Critical appraisal and academic writing skills
Summer semester (24 hours, time-table will be announced)
Max. 10 students
Gestor: Prof. Beata Mladosievicova, MD, PhD.
Medical databases
Structure of a scientific paper and internal consistency
How to define a scientific problem, aim of the study, research hypotheses and significance of the study
Design of studies in relation of type of study (diagnostic, therapeutic, prognostic)
Statistical analysis and their interpretation
Critical appraisal of selected articles
Preparation of own manuscripts