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Student and Employee Portal

Institute of Physical Education and Sports



University: Comenius University in Bratislava

Faculty: Faculty of Medicine

Course ID: L-S-VL-075

Course title: Physical education 1,2,3,4,5,6

Type, range and form of educational activities:

Lectures: 25 lessons/semester



Form of educational activities: combined

Number of credits: 1

Recommended semester/trimester of study: 1. semester – 6. semester

Educational level: 1st + 2nd level


Course requirements: 100% participation in seminars

Learning outcomes:


- Theoretical knowledge about the importance of physical activity and sport for a healthy life of man

- Theoretical knowledge of the history and present various kinds of sport

- Theoretical knowledge of strength training, swimming and tourism

- The rules of the different sports

- Sport as a means of fair play


Practical skills of different kinds of sports - game activities, game combinations and game systems (defense, offense)

Practical skills of strengthening


Course syllabus summary:

Teach the theory, methodology and practical coping following sports: basketball, volleyball, football- futsal, hockey, tennis, table tennis, badminton, swimming, aerobics, zumba, hiking (medium course, walking and water) and winter sports according to the interest of students. Foundations and principles of exercise in the gym. Practicing and mastering the basic game activities and simple combinations in game situations. Fundamentals of the rules, strategy and tactics in the selected sport. Exercises for medically fragile - fit, gym, swimming pool. Optional winter concentration.

Recommended literature: Fitness and Strength Training for All Sports : Theory, Methods, Programs

Language necessary to complete the course: English


Teacher: PaedDr. Róbert Važan, PhD., Mgr. Michal Korman, Mgr. Ján Beracka, Mgr., Mgr. Veronika Lovásová, PhD., Mgr. Barbora Kociánová, PhD., Mgr. Henrich Krč

<output>Lecturers for English Classes</output>
<output>Lecturers for English Classes</output>
<output>Lecturers for English Classes:</output>

Teacher for English classes: PaedDr. Róbert Važan, PhD., Mgr. Michal Korman, Mgr. Veronika Lovásová, PhD., Mgr. Barbora Kociánová, PhD., Mgr. Henrich Krč




About us

Institute of Physical Education and Sports

811 08   Bratislava, Odborárske sq. 14, tel. 90119 111

Head of the Institute: PaedDr. Róbert V a ž a n, PhD.

tel. +421 02 90119 627, VoIP:  31 627

e-mail:robert.vazan(at)fmed.uniba.sk, telesna.prednosta(at)fmed.uniba.sk

Deputy Head: Mgr. Ján Beracka

Typist: Darina Pôbišová

phone 02/ 90119 367, e-mail: telesna.sekretariat(at)fmed.uniba.sk

Lecturers for English Classes:

Mgr. Barbora K o c i á n o v á, PhD.   (barbora.kocianova@fmed.uniba.sk)

Mgr. Veronika L o v á s o v á, PhD.    (veronika.lovasova@fmed.uniba.sk)

Mgr. Michal   K o r m a n     (michalkorman3@gmail.com)

PaedDr. Róbert  V a ž a n, PhD. (robert.vazan@fmed.uniba.sk)

Mgr. Henrich K r č, PhD.    (henrich.krc@fmed.uniba.sk)

Other teachers

Mgr. Ján    B e r a c k a


Office hours

Official hours -during exam period (Summer semester 2023/24)

PaedDr. Róbert Važan, PhD.  (robert.vazan@fmed.uniba.sk)

Monday: 13,00 - 16,00

Tuesday:  11,30 -14,30

Wednesday:  11,00 - 14,00

Thursday:  8,00 - 11,00

Friday:  12,00 - 15,00

Mgr. Henrich Krč   (henrich.krc@fmed.uniba.sk)

Monday: 10,00 - 13,00

Tuesday:  9,30 -12,30

Wednesday:  10,00 - 13,00

Thursday:   10,00 - 13,00

Friday:  9,30 - 12,30

Mgr. Barbora Kociánová, PhD.    (barbora.kocianova@fmed.uniba.sk)

Monday: 9,30 - 12,30

Tuesday: 9,30 - 12,30

Wednesday:  9,30 - 12,30

Thursday:   9,30 - 12,30

Friday:   9,30 - 12,30

Mgr. Veronika Lovásová, PhD.   (veronika.lovasova@fmed.uniba.sk)

Monday: 9,30 - 12,30

Tuesday: 11,00 - 14,00

Wednesday: 9,30 - 12,30

Thursday:   9,30 - 12,30

Friday:   9,30 - 12,30

Mgr. Michal Korman   (michalkorman3@gmail.com)

Monday: 11,00 - 14,00

Tuesday: 10,00 - 13,00

Wednesday: 15,00 - 16,30 lodenica

Thursday:   10,00 - 13,00

Friday:   10,00 - 13,00