Institute of General Medicine
General information
In 2014, a new compulsory subject General Medicine for students of the 5th year was created at the Faculty of Medicine. For the first 5 years it was listed as “Family Medicine” within “Internal Medicine”. Since the school year 2019/20 it is a separate subject called General Medicine. It is a compulsory, evaluated, credited course. The aim of creating a separate subject General Medicine is to become medical students more familiar with the work of general practitioners, to inform them about the possibility of postgraduate study in the form of a resident program. The guarrantee of the subject General medicine is MUDr. Beata Spanikova PhD.
1. practical internship in the general office (the student can choose from the list): 1 day, anytime during actual semester
- the student must contact (by phone or email) the trainer at the acredited training offices (listed in contacts) and arrange an internship at the office in time
- the trainer trains optimally one, maximum two students in one day - so arrange the internship in time !
2. the trainer evaluates the student´s knowledge, his activity and presence
3. the student is required to prepare a structured evaluation sheet in which he briefly describes his first day in the general office and the most interesting case study ... should be sent to:
Summer semester 2024/2025 for groups 7 - 12
online - MS Teams
Lectures for students
in the study field of general medicine
Head: Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Marek Kučera, PhD., MHA, MPH
Place: online (ms teams)
(Summer semester 2024/2025, for groups: 7 - 12 )
24. 02 2025 (Monday), 17:30 – 18:20 a 18:30 – 19:20
Prevention and preventive programs.
Lecturer: doc. MUDr. Jana Bendová, PhD., MPH, MBA
25. 02. 2025 (Tuesday), 17:30 - 18:20 and 18:30 - 19:20
Measurement of ankle brachial index and pulse wave in the general practitioner´s office.
Young general practitioners in the world.
MUDr. Erik Hodosy (120 min.)
26. 02. 2025 (Wednesday), 17:30 - 18:20 and 18:30 - 19:20
Vaccination in the general practitioner´s office.
Lecture (60 min).
Lecturer: MUDr. Xenia Wöstmann, MPH
27. 02. 2025 (Thursday), 14:30 - 15:20 and 15:30 - 16:20
Upper and lower respiratory tract infections – differential diagnosis and correct procedure.
Lecturer: MUDr. Dominika Šafárová
28. 02. 2025 (Friday), 14:30 - 15:20 and 15:30 - 16:20
History and introduction to subject General medicine.
How to write case report ?
Metabolic syndrom - case from my practice.
Preoperative examination.
Lecturer: MUDr. Beata Špániková, PhD.
Summer semester 2024/2025 - schedule for groups:
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
The intership must be completed at the latest 23. 5. 2025!
MUDr. Špániková Beata, PhD. (Bratislava) - urban office: gr. 7
MUDr. Jana Bendová, PhD., MPH, MBA (Veľký Biel) - rural office: gr. 8
MUDr. Silvia Masaryková (Bratislava) - urban office: gr. 9
MUDr. Michal Kovár (Bratislava) - urban office: gr. 10
MUDr. Drábová Daniela (Bratislava) - rural office: gr. 11
MUDr. Dominika Šafárová (Pezinok) - urban office: gr. 12
MUDr. Nikola Viszlaiová (Bratislava) - urban office: ERASMUS students
MUDr. Valéria Machová Husarovičová, PhD., MHA, MPH (Bratislava) - urban office
Each student can choose any training office also from the list below, regardless of the office assigned to them and after prior agreement with the trainer.
We recommend students to experience a unique and specific practice in rural offices as well.
MUDr. Peter Bakič (Trnava or Zavar) - urban and rural office
MUDr. Monika Palušková, PhD., MPH, MBA, LL.M. (Bátorove Kosyhy) - rural office
MUDr. Martina Jandzíková (Žilina) - urban office
MUDr. Xénia Wöstmann (Streda nad Bodrogom) - urban office
MUDr. Adriana Orechovská (Melčice - Lieskové) - rural office
Evaluation Forms
- Evalution_form.docxAfter completing the internship, the student is obliged to fill out the evaluation form and send it to the address:
Contacts - Trainers
Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Marek Kučera, PhD., MHA, MPH
VITACARE, s. r. o., general practitioner office, Kráľová pri Senci č. 378, 900 50,
02/20 20 20 80
Kráľová pri Senci
VITACARE, s. r. o., general practitioner office, Štefániková 17, 900 01,
Training workplaces for the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University
- general practitioner offices for practical training in the fifth year of study
Address | Trainer | Phone number | |
Vitacare, s.r.o Záhumenská 378, Kráľová pri Senci | Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Kučera Marek, PhD., MHA, MPH | | |
VITACARE, s.r.o., Štefániková 17, 900 01, Modra | Assoc. Prof. MUDr. Kučera Marek, PhD., MHA, MPH | | |
BENMEDIKA, s.r.o., Poľovnícka 291/14, 900 24 Veľký Biel | MUDr. Jana Bendová, PhD., MPH, MBA | | |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
MUDr. Martina Jandzíková, Jána Milca 741/27, 01001 Žilina | MUDr.Martina Jandzíková | 0902 366 472 | |
Medires s.r.o., Obchodná 42, 94634 Bátorove Kosihy | MUDr. Monika Palušková, PhD., MPH, MBA, LL.M. | 0905571990 | |
Medakir s.r.o., Kamenecká č. 613/2, 076 31 Streda nad Bodrogom | MUDr. Xénia Wöstmann | 0915849936 | |
OUSA, Heydukova 10, 81250, Bratislava | MUDr. Špániková Beata PhD. | 02/32249353 | |
PREVENTÍVA Klinika, s.r.o., Starohájska 1, 917 01 Trnava | MUDr. Peter Bakič | 0911708866 | |
PREVENTÍVA s.r.o., Dom služieb, Hlavná 148/8, 919 26 Zavar | MUDr. Peter Bakič | 0911708866 | |
MEDAMB, s. r. o., Strečnianska 2975/13, 85105 Bratislava | MUDr. Kovár Michal | 0908787100 | |
OBGYN s.r.o. Pavlovičova 3, 82104, Bratislava | MUDr. Daniela Drábová | 0903152160 | |
VH Medics s.r.o, Bulharská 72/Trnávka, 821 04, Bratislava | MUDr. Valéria Machová Husarovičová, PhD., MHA, MPH | 0910 851 904 | |
FRAIS Poliklinika, Daxnerovo námestie 5, Bratislava | MUDr. Nikola Viszlaiová | 0907 514425 | |
Hipecentrum, Holubyho 41, 90201 Pezinok | MUDr. Dominika Šafárová | 0944107773 | |
SURGE s.r.o, 91305 Melčice-Lieskové 220, Melčice-Lieskové | MUDr. Adriana Orechovská | 0911046479 | |