Institute of Microbiology
Announcement about the beginning of teaching at the Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University and Teaching University Hospital, Bratislava in winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025.
<output>General medicine</output>
General Medicine
Dear students,
the teaching of Microbiology in the summer semester of the academic year 2024-2025 will begin in the week of February 17, 2025, practicals from February 17, 2025.
The lectures will be in person in the Ladziansky lecture room every Wednesday from 16:30. No recordings will be made of the lectures. Lectures are based on compulsory literature and are updated with new information in the field. Knowledge of the information included in the lectures will be regularly verified in practical exercises
Consultations on individual lecture topics will be possible after agreement with the lecturer via MS Teams or in person.
Practical exercises for GM will be held face-to-face in the practical room of the Institute of Microbiology on the second floor of NTI.
Consultations on individual topics of practical exercises will be possible after agreement with the teacher via MS Teams or in person.
Students will participate in face-to-face practical exercises prepared in advance (after proper study of the theoretical introduction to the relevant exercise) and present protocols with completed answers to control questions to the teacher at the beginning of the exercise. The syllabi of lectures and practical exercises, together with the criteria for meeting the conditions for registration for the microbiology exam and the questions for the written and oral part of the exam, will be listed on the website of the Institute of Microbiology:
The microbiology exam in the winter semester 2025 is two days long. On the first day, which will also be officially published in AIS, a test will be written. It must be written with at least 75 %. The student who writes the test will come the next day at 7:30 a.m. for the oral exam. After successfully writing the test, in the case of an unsuccessful oral exam, the student only repeats the oral exam.
Information for students of the 2nd year of Dentistry about subject Medical Microbiology in the summer semester of the academic year 2024/2025
Lectures and practicals from Medical Microbiology will start on 17th of February 2025.
Lectures will be in person in a Small auditory every Wednesday from 13:30. No recordings of lectures will be available. Lectures are based on compulsory literature.
Consultations about lecture topics will be possible after agreement with the lecturer via MS Teams or in person.
Practicals will be in person in the laboratory for Dentistry students of the Institute of Microbiology in the basement (room no. 007). Consultations about topics of practicals will be possible after agreement with the teacher via MS Teams or in person.
The participation in practicals include study preparation and pre-filling the answers in protocol before each practical, active presence during practicals (answering the questions in short examination at the beginning of each practical, tasks performing, protocols completing and discussions about topic of practicals) and writing two credit tests.
Syllabus of lectures and practicals, criteria for registration for exam of Medical Microbiology and exam questions (written and oral part), will be published on website of the Institute of Microbiology:
Exam dates for Medical Microbiology in the academic year 2024/2025 will be announced in May and June 2025.
The exam will be two days long.
The test will be written on the first day (exam date officially published in AIS). It is necessary to write the test for at least 75%. Without successfully writing the test, it is not possible to pass the oral part of the exam.
After successfully completing the test, there is an oral exam on the next working day from 7:30 am. After successfully writing the test, in the case of an unsuccessful oral exam, the student only repeats the oral exam.
Preterms will take place on May 20, 2025.
General medicine
Microbiology 1 (2nd class SS)
Syllabus of the lectures, Syllabus of the practical classes, Terms for obtaining credits, Writen test No. I SS, Writen test No. II SS
Microbiology 2 (3rd class WS)
Syllabus of the lectures, Syllabus of the practical classes, Terms for successful accomplishment of practicals, Questions, Written_test_I_WS_2024, Written test before the exam, Protocols and Case reports can be found in MS TEAMS
Clinical Microbiology (4th - 5th class SS) Compulsory Optional Subject
Syllabus, Questions
Medical Microbiology (2nd class SS)
Syllabus of the lectures, Syllabus of the practical classes, Terms for obtaining credits, Written examination on microbiology, Questions, Protocols
Study literature
MICROBIOLOGY 1, 2 (2nd - 3rd class GM)
x MURRAY, P.A., ROSENTHAL, K.S., and PFALLER, M.A. Medical Microbiology. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2015, ©2016. 848 p. ISBN 978-0-323-29956-5.
x SHUNNAR, A. et al. Manual for the Practical Exercises in Microbiology: Protocols. Bratislava: Comenius University. 2009. 89 p. ISBN 978-80-8095-046-0.
x LIPTÁKOVÁ A., et. al. Microbiological Diagnostics for Students of Medicine,1st ed. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2018. 246 s. Textbook. ISBN 978-80-223-4287-2
ENGLEBERG, N.C., DIRITA, V., and DERMODY, T.S. Schaechter’s Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. 5th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2012, ©2013. xvii, 826. ISBN 978-0-7817-8744-4.
x GOERING R. et al: Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 6th Edition Elsevier, 2017,568 pp. ISBN-10: 0702071544, ISBN-13: 978-0702071546 (selected chapters)
INGLIS, T.J.J. Microbiology and Infection. 3rd ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007. 328 p. Master Medicine. ISBN 978-0-443-10289-9.
ENGLEBERG, N.C., DiRITA, V., and DERMODY, T.S. Schaechter´s Mechanisms of Microbial Disease. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012, ©2013. 848 p. ISBN 978-0-7817-8744-4.
MURRAY, P.R. et al. Manual of Clinical Microbiology. 9th ed. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press, 2007. 1773 p. ISBN 978-1-55581-126-6. (selected chapters)
x Manson's: Tropical Diseases: Expert Consult - Online and Print 23rd Edition. 2020. Print Book & E- Book. ISBN 9780702051012, 9780702057700. (selected chapters)
x Gill Geoff and Beeching Nick. Tropical Medicine. Th Edition. SBN: 978-0-470-65853-6
408 pages, 2014, Wiley-Blackwell. (selected chapters).
x Murray, P.A., Rosenthal, K.S. a Pfaller, M.A. Medical Microbiology. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2015, ©2016. 848 s. ISBN 978-0-323-29956-5. (selected chapters).
x GOERING R. et al: Mims' Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 6th Edition Elsevier, 2017,568pp. ISBN-10: 0702071544, ISBN-13: 978-0702071546 (selected chapters)
x LIPTÁKOVÁ A., et. al. Microbiological Diagnostics for Students of Medicine,1st ed. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2018. 246 s. Textbook. ISBN 978-80-223-4287-2.
x LIPTÁKOVÁ A., et. al. General Microbiology for Dentalsm Students,1st ed. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2024. 2210 p. Textbook. ISBN 978-80-8229-040-3
x LIPTÁKOVÁ A., et. al. Microbiological Diagnostics for Students of Medicine,1st ed. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2018. 246 s. Textbook. ISBN 978-80-223-4287-2
x SAMARANAYAKE, L.P. Essential Microbiology for Dentistry. 6th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2025, ©2025. 392 p. ISBN 978044317213.
x BAGG, J. et al. Essentials of Microbiology for Dental Students. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford Unversity Press, 2006. xxix, 416 p. ISBN 978-0-19-856489-8.
Organization of education and examinations
Registration for exam on Microbiology
Students can register for exam on Microbiology through the AIS system in accordance with the rules published in the valid Year Book and the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava
The exam
The exam begins with a test in the computer room. For the academic year 2024-2025, it is Moskovska M111 (if there is a change, it will be written in the AIS2 that the test is written in Odborárske nám.) at the time listed in AIS2. The test is written on a computer and contains 40 questions with 4 possible answers with a time limit of 30 minutes.
The written part consists of the test containing 40 questions with 4 possible answers. The questions are generated by a computer from the pool of questions published in web page and MS Teams. The answers are input to the computer and the time limit for the test is 30 minutes.
- Written test, 75% is must to continue on oral exam
- A successful written test is required for access to the oral part of the exam in all terms.
- Students will draw lots for the examinator, but at the same time, the Article 23 Part 23 of the Study Regulation No.12/2013 of the Faculty of Medicine Comenius University in Bratislava will be taken into consideration.
Three oral questions are drawn at the start of the oral part of exam (the list of oral questions are accessible on the Faculty web page - see Institute of Microbiology). It is inevitable to answer all three oral question at least at the basic level (i.e. grade „E“) in order to pass successfully the exam.
Exam dates
The exam dates are accessible in the AIS2 system.
Diploma thesis
Diploma theses before the defense:
- Význam karbapeném rezistentných kmeňov Klebsiella pneumoniae a ich rezistencia na antimikrobiálne látky Importance of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Strains and Their Resistance to Antimicrobial Agents vedúci: MUDr. Ján Koreň, PhD. študentka: Katarína Matejčíková
- The Attitude of Medical Workers to Phage Therapy in Germany and Slovakia Postoj zdravotníckych pracovníkov k fágovej terapii v Nemecku a na Slovensku vedúci: Mgr. Marek Straka, PhD. študent: Lukas Ludwig Albert Dieter
- Analysis of Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus Strains in Medical Students Analýza nosového nosičstva kmeňov Staphylococcus aureus u študentov medicíny vedúca: RNDr. Martina Dubinová, PhD. študentka: Sylvia Kasanická
- Analysis of Potential Sources of Pathogens in Hospital Environment in Austria and Slovakia Analýza potenciálnych zdrojov patogénov v prostredí nemocníc v Rakúsku a na Slovensku vedúca: Mgr. Hana Dibalová, PhD. študent: Raphael Friedl
- Kolonizácia nosovej sliznice študentov medicíny kmeňmi Staphylococcus aureus Colonization of the Nasal Mucosa of Medical Students by Staphylococcus aureus Strains vedúci: Mgr. Marek Straka, PhD. študentka: Viktóriu Palkechovú
- The Factors Affecting Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in General Medicine Students Faktory ovplyvňujúce nosové nosičstvo Staphylococcus aureus u študentov medicíny vedúci: Mgr. Marek Straka, PhD. študentka: Clara Anna Irmgard Schrey
- Vizuálna príručka identifikácie vybraných klinicky významných baktérií Visual Guide to the Identification of Selected Clinically Important Bacteria vedúca: Mgr. Hana Dibalová, PhD. študentka: Bronislava Kmeťková
- Črevná mikrobiota a zdravie človeka Intestinal microbiota and the human health vedúca: doc.RNDr. Lívia Slobodníková, CSc. študentka: Kemenciková
Time dates for Diploma Thesis Defence
Time dates for Diploma Thesis Defence for 6th year students at Institute of Microbiology are available at ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Consultation hours
After the agreement with the Assistant Lecturers.
<output>Office hours</output>
The winter semester lasts from 16. SEPTEMBER 2024 - 20. DECEMBER 2024