Faculty of Medicine
Student and Employee Portal

Diploma Thesis

Information for students of 6th year

Manual how to insert the Thesis to AIS system here

  1. The deadline for submitting the diploma thesis: until 20th October 2024
  2. The deadline for defence of the diploma thesis: from 11th November 2024 until 20th December 2024

NOTICE : The date of submission of the diploma must be no less than 21 days before the date of defence of the diploma.

Submission and Defence of Diploma Work (DW) 2024/2025

The final theses will be prepared and submitted only in electronic form.

Defence of DW will be only in presence form.

Till the deadline October 20, 2024 is student required to submit an electronic version of his/her DW into the system AIS2. After this deadline it is not possible to insert a DW into the system.

DW must be in PDF form, including the attachments (if they are part of DW). The file cannot be password protected and must be convertible to plain text. The maximum file size to insert into AIS is 50MB.

Instructions how to insert DW into AIS:

Mark only DW as final in AIS2 only after you make sure it is a final version and you will not make any further changes.

Send only FINAL VERSION. The work can be sent only once.

After this step, the DW is sent to the control of the originality and it is not possible to insert it a second time.

In case that there have been changes in regards to the previous assignement is required to print the new assignment, which is a mandatory part of the DP. 

Student has to submit DW to the system, minimum 21 days, but no more than 90 calendar days, before the term of defense of diploma thesis. . 

Student who does not submit DW until the deadline October 20, 2024 has to write a request to Dean (with statements of supervisor of DW) for permission to submit DW later. Written request must be submitted to the Study Department. 


Defence of DW take place at the workplace, where DW has been submitted. The student who prepared and submitted DW has the right to be informed on the opinion of the supervisor and the opponent at the latest 3 days before the day of thesis defence. The opinions will be published by means of AIS immediately after their input into AIS by the supervisor of DW, or by the opponent.

DW supervisor is obliged to obtain two Certificates of School Work Originality, i.e. from the Central Register (CRZP). Opinion of the supervisor of diploma work have to contain the statement of the result of the protocol of Originality of diploma work in the case if the consensus is more than 30%  (Article No. 8 - Submission of School Work, Licence Agreement and Originality Control – CU Internal Regulation No. 7/2011)

DW supervisor is obliged to obtain Certificate of Originality from the  Theses system - Internal regulation No. 7/2017 (Directive of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava, Supplement No.1 to the Internal Regulation No.12/2013 to the Directive of the Rector of Comenius University about basic requirements of diploma works, doctoral theses and habilitation works, control of their originality, storage and accessibility at Comenius University in Bratislava).

The student is obliged to prepare one copy of the title page of DW, which will be presented to the Committee during his/her defence.

*Table for assessment final work (reviews)



from 91 to 100 points



from 82 to 90 points



from 73 to 81 points



from 63 to 72 points



from 54 to 62 points



from 0  to 53 points

<output>A1od 91 do 100 bodovB1,5od 82 do   90 bodovC2od73  do   81 bodovD2,5od 63 do   72 bodovE3od 54 do   62 bodovFx4od   0 do   53 bodov</output>