Faculty of Medicine
Student and Employee Portal

Compulsory Elective Subjects

1. Compulsory Elective Subjects - General Medicine - for the 4th and the 5th year of study

Each student studying in the 4th year has to choose two Compulsory Elective Subjects (one in the winter semester and one in the summer semester) and register it in their Study Record and take an examination from that subjects. Each student in the 5th year of study program General Medicine is obliged to choose at least one of the compulsory elective subjects and to register it in their Study record (in the AIS system).

List of compulsory elective subjects

Syllabuses of compulsory optional subjects

2. Compulsory Elective Subjects - Dentistry - for the 3rd year of study

Each student studying in the 3rd year of study program Dentistry is obliged to choose at least one of the compulsory elective subjects to register it in their Study Record.

List of compulsory elective subjects

Syllabuses of compulsory elective subjects