Winter semester 2024/2025
The course in winter semester 2024/2025 starts on 16. September 2024
1. Requirements for final exam attendance in course pathology 2:
- Successful completion of the prerequisites exam: anatomy and histology
- Completed course Pathology 1 in summer semester (to have all presences, passed all the tests and gained credits).
- Attendance at all classes in histopathology. Passing 1 written control test with minimum score of 60 points.
- Attendance at all autopsy classes.
To pass the written test, which is part of final exam, you need to have a minimum score of 75 points.
Student, who failed to fulfill requirements for final exam attendance in course pathology 2 in the winter semester of the previous academic year and has transferred the course to this year, has to attend the whole course in full extent in this academic year.
2. Requirements for the final exam attendance in the course pathology 2 must be fulfilled before February 11th 2025. If the requirements for exam attendance in course pathology 2 will not be fulfilled till this date, the student will not be allowed to sign up for the final exam from pathological anatomy.
3. Compensation of classes
The histopathology class may be made up with another group with the permission of the tutor during the two-week period when the topic is covered. A maximum of 2 histopathology classes may be made up during the semester.
Autopsy classes may be made up with another group with the permission of the tutor throughout the semester. A maximum of 2 autopsy classes may be made up during the semester.
The student is required to submit a confirmation of the make-up practicum during the semester to his/her instructor.
If a student does not attend the exercise with their group and does not make-up the class, he/she will be obliged to make-up it at the end of the semester.
The compenstion of missing classes is regulated by the Dean's Regulation No. 3/2010 (on the conditions for performance of the compensating tuition and payment of tuition fee at compensatory practical training for foreign students - self payers).
4. The control tests during the winter semester (obligatory)
Test 1 during the time period of last histopathological class in 11. week
Test content: the topic of 1.-10.week from histopathological classes and lectures
The test will be written in person on paper.
To pass the semester test, a minimum score of 60% (60 points) is required.
5. Compensatory tests:
Students, who failed the tests during the semester, will have 3 compensatory terms to write the test.
The test will be written in person on paper.
Compensatory test A: 13.12.2024 at 14:30 - large auditory
Compensatory test B: 14.1.2025 at 14:00 - large or small auditory
Compensatory test C: 12.2.2025 at 14:00 - large or small auditory
Recommended study literature
Harsh Mohan. Textbook of Pathology. Jaypee. 2010.
Do not buy study materials (reduced syllabus) from your older classmates, as they contain incorrect information, save yourself study time and money :)
Time schedule
UPDATE 24.9.
Histopathology practicals take place on the 2. floor of New theoretical institutes.
Autopsy practicals take place on the ground floor of the New theoretical institutes. Students do not bring anything with them on autopsies.
Lectures are held online through MS Teams.
Program of seminars for the winter semester 2024/2025
1-2. Pathology of uropoetic and endocrine system
Arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis (L.IV.1), Glomerulonephritis – postinfectious (L.IV.3), Acute tubointerstitial nephritis (L.IV.4), Renal cell carcinoma – Grawitz tumor (L.IV.5), Embryonal nephroblastoma – Wilms tumor (L.VI.1), Diabetes mellitus nephropathy (L.IV.2), Hashimoto thyreoiditis (L.VII.2), Graves disease (L.VII.3), Feochromocytoma (193), Neuroendocrine tumor (L.VII.4).
Gestor: doc. MUDr. Z. Čierna, PhD
Study material: pdf.
3-4. Pathology of the male and female reproductive organs, the breast and the skin
Prostatic hyperplasia (Z.II.8), Seminoma (L.V.2), Cervical dysplasia (L.V.4); Fibroadenoma of the breast (L.V.7); Ductal carcinoma of the breast (L.V.8); Verruca vulgaris (197); Molluscum contagiosum (142); Seborrheic keratosis (178), Nevus (L.VII.6); Malignant melanoma (L.VII.5)
Gestor: doc. MUDr. Z. Čierna, PhD
Study material: pdf.
5-6. Pathology of the teeth
Purulent pulpitis (314), Apical granuloma (191), Radicular cyst (313), Folicullar cyst (329), Tooth retention (143), Ameloblastoma (71), Odontoma (241)
Gestor: MUDr. P. Janega, PhD.
Study material: pdf.
7-8. Pathology of salivary glands
Chronic sialoadenitis (259), Sjogren's syndrome (315), Sialolithiasis (316), Retentive cyst of salivary gland (309), Pleomorphic adenoma of salivary gland (L.III.1); Adenolymphoma of salivary gland (194), Mucoepidermoid carcinoma (325), Adenoid cystic carcinoma (324) Chronic tonsillitis (274), Tonsillar actinomycosis (Z.IV.9)
Gestor: MUDr. P. Janega, PhD.
Study material: pdf.
9-10. Pathology of oro-facial region.
Morbus Fordyce (269), Amyloidosis (Z.II.2), Lymphoepithelial cyst (321), Fibroma of oral cavity (20), Pyogenic granuloma (319), Giant cell epulis (138), Chronic hyperplastic gingivitis (243), Granuloma fissuratum (280), Leukoplakia of the oral cavity (271), Squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity (272) Capillary hemangioma (Z.VI.4); Cavernous hemangioma (320)
Gestor: doc. MUDr. Z. Čierna, PhD
Study material: pdf.
11-12. Test I
Program of autopsy exercises for the winter and summer semester
Summer semester
1.-2. Death and postmortal changes. Basics of macroscopic description of dissected tissues and organs.
3.-4. General external and internal inspection of the body. Pathological report and arrangement of diagnoses.
5.-6. Dissection of brain and spinal cord. Macroreactions.
7.-8. Dissection of neck and chest organs.
9.-10. Dissection of liver and urogenital complex.
11.-12. Autopsy of fetuses and children. Dissection of bones.
Winter semester:
1.-2. Macroscopic findings of brain and spinal cord diseases.
3.-4. Macroscopic findings of neck and chest organ diseases.
5.-6. Macroscopic findings of liver complex diseases.
7.-8. Macroscopic findings of urogenital system diseases.
9.-10. Credit week. Practical examination from autopsy (first part of final exam).
The exact questions for final examination
I. General pathology
1. Methods in pathology
2. Causes and origin of disease
3. Death and postmortal changes
4. Cell damage and cellular adaptations
5. Morphology of reversible cell damage
6. Morphology of irreversible cell damage (cell death)
7. Amyloidosis
8. Endogenous pigments, icterus
9. Exogenous pigments and pneumoconiosis
10. Circulatory disorders (overview)
11. Shock and shock changes
12. Hyperaemia and congestion
13. Local anaemia (ischaemia, infarction)
14. Thrombosis and embolism
15. Hemorrhage
16. Edema
17. Regeneration and reparation
18. Wound healing and bone fracture, pathological organization
19. Inflammation (in general)
20. Acute inflammation
21. Chronic inflammation
22. Granulomatous inflammation
23. Primary and secondary tbc
24. Sarcoidosis and leprosy
25. Syphilis
26. Bacterial inflammations
27. Fungal inflammations
28. Viral inflammations
29. Parasitary inflammations
30. Immune disorders (allergies, immunopathological reactions)
31. Autoimmune diseases
32.Transplant rejection
33. AIDS
34. Diseases from radiation exposure
II. General and special oncopathology
1. Characteristics of tumours
2. Microscopic structure of a tumour
3. Classification of tumours
4. Benignity and malignancy of tumours
5. Tumour spread
6. Precanceroses
7. Carcinogenesis and carcinogenic factors
8. Effect of tumour on the organism ( local, general)
9. Benign and malignant epithelial tumours
10. Squamous cell carcinomas
11. Glandular carcinomas
12. Benign and malignant mesenchymal tumours
13. Vascular tumours
14. Haemoblastoses (overview)
15. Malignant lymphomas (overview)
16. Hodgkin's lymphoma
17. Tumours of the peripheral nervous system (overview)
18. Tumours of the central nervous system
19. Pigment nevi and malignant melanoma
20. Tumours of the lung
21. Tumours of the gastrointestinal tract
22. Tumours of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas
23. Breast tumours
24. Benign dysplasia of the breast ( fibrocystic changes )
25. Tumours of the kidney and urinary tract
26. Tumours and cysts of the ovary
27. Tumours of the uterus
28. Tumours of the prostate and testis
29. Tumors of the endocrine glands
30. Neuroendocrine tumours
31. Teratomas, hamartomas
32. Tumours of the skin and cutaneous adnexa (overview)
33. Tumours of childhood
Oncopathology of the orofacial region
35. Oral cavity precanceroses
36. Pseudotumours of oral cavity
37. Odontogenic cysts of the orofacial region
38. Non-ontogenic cysts of the orofacial region
39. Odontogenic tumours ( ameloblastoma, dentinoma, odontoma, cementoma)
40. Salivary gland tumours ( benign, malignant )
41. Tumours of the oral cavity (overview)
42. Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and lips
III. Special pathology
1. Endocarditis
2. Myocarditis
3. Congenital heart defects
4. Atherosclerosis
5. Ischaemic heart disease
6. Vasculitis
8. Bronchitis
9. Lung airway disorders ( emphysema, atelectasis )
10. Lobar pneumonia
11. Bronchopneumonia
12. Interstitial pneumonia
13. Asthma bronchiale
14. Tonsillitis
15. Gastritis and enteritis
16. Gastroduodenal ulcer disease
17. Appendicitis, ileus and peritonitis
18. Inflammation and necrosis of the liver
19. Cirrhosis of the liver
20. Inflammations and concrements of the gallbladder
21. Haemorrhagic necrosis of the pancreas
22. Glomerulonephritis
23. Tubulointerstitial nephritis
24. Diseases of the thyroid gland
25. Pituitary syndromes
26. Diseases of the adrenal gland
27. Diabetes mellitus
28. Bone inflammation and osteodystrophy
29. Arthritis and arthropathies
30. Lymphadenopathies ( dif. dg.)
31. Meningitis and encephalitis
32. Skin inflammations (overview)
33. Blister dermatitis
34. Psoriatiform and lichenoid dermatitis
35. Bacterial and fungal dermatitis
36. Sepsis
Pathology of the orofacial region
37. Stomatitis
38. Diseases of the gingiva
39. Epulis
40. Oral lesions in systemic diseases
41. Periodontitis, Parodontosis, Dental plaque-associated diseases
42. Dental caries
43. Inflammation of the dental pulp
44. Diseases of the temporo-mandibular joint
45. Disorders of salivary gland secretion and sialoadenosis
46. Acute and chronic inflammations of the salivary glands
47. Sjogren's syndrome
48. Sialolithiasis, mucocele
49. Actinomycosis
Note: According to the current course information sheet, the final examination includes a microscopic evaluation of one histopathological specimen.
Questions for practical exam from autopsy
Questions for practical exam from autopsy
1. External inspection
2. Death and postmortal changes
3. Internal inspection - basis of macroscopic description of dissected tissues and organs
4. Arrangement of diagnoses
5. Ischemic changes of brain - macroscopic description
6. Brain hemmorhage - macroscopic description
7. Meningitis - macroscopic description
8. Fluidothorax - pathogenesis
9. Emphysema pulmonum - macroscopic description
10. Oedema pulmonum - macroscopic description
11. Pneumonia - macroscopic description
12. Tumors of the lung - macroscopic description
13. Cor pulmonale - macroscopic description
14. Infarction of heart - complications
15. Atherosclerosis - complications
16. Chronic venostasis -changes of liver - macroscopic description
17. Cirhosis hepatis - macroscopic description
18. Steatosis hepatis - macroscopic description
19. Icterus - macroscopic description
20. Embolism - macroscopic description
21. Peritonitis - macroscopic description
22. Inflammation and tumors of the kidney - macroscopic description
23. Hyperplasia of the prostate - macroscopic description
24. Myoma uteri - macroscopic description
25. Ulcus ventriculi - macroscopic description
26. Tumors of the bowel - macroscopic description
27. Portal hypertension - macroscopic description
28. Signs of maturity