Faculty of Medicine
Student and Employee Portal

Summer Clinical Practice

Compulsory Summer Clinical Practice

According to to the Study Regulations FMCU  (article. 21, par. 12) after completed educational part of the summer semester the student is required to complete the compulsory clicnical practice based on the sylabus  till the end of academic year.

The compulsory practice is completed exclusively outside the educational part of the summer semester, primarily it is recommended to complete it in the summer months: July, August. The date of the compulsory practice is at the decision of the teacher, who is responsible for teaching of the subject. In exceptional cases and after fulfilling the conditions for completing the compulsory practice, the student can apply in writing for permission of exception, to fulfil it in the examination period of the winter semester. After the request has been approved, the student is obliged to submit it electronically or personally to the relevant study officer at the Study Department - Request.

The student is obliged to perform the compulsory clinical practice in full extent according to the developed contents in the period between the finishing of the summer semester teaching weeks and August 31st of the given academic year; in exceptional cases the subject director can permit the performing of the compulsory clinical practice except the set term.

Accomplishing the compulsory clinical practice is a condition for awarding credits. Credit points for the compulsory clinical practice are awarded to a student who has completed it.

At internal departments you can complete the summer practice in Nursing 1 (2. class) and Internal medicine (4. class).


The student is obliged to perform the compulsory clinical practice in full extent according to the developed contents. Credit points for the compulsory clinical practice must be awarded before 31. August of the relevant academic year.

For granting of credits from Summer Practice in Internal Medicine for the 4. class of general medicine is in academic year 2023/24 responsible prof. MUDr. Juraj Payer, PhD., MPH, FRCP, FEFIM at the  5th Department of Internal Medicine.


Send to email: katarina.bagiova@fmed.uniba.sk


For granting of credits from Summer Practice in Nursing 1 is responsible Institute of Social Medicine and Medical Ethics.  

A student is obliged to submit the certificate of accomplishing the compulsory clinical practice to the Study Department at the enrolment in a higher class.

Certificate of attending the compulsory clinical practice, student could print from the web site or it is possible to pick it up at the study department.

Certificate - 2. class (Nursing)
Certificate - 4. class (Internal Medicine)

Summer practice in University Hospital Bratislava

If you want to do the summer practice in Nursing 1 or in Internal Medicine at the departments of CUFM in University Hospital Bratislava you have to:

  • full-fill the following form
  • go to the head of the department at which you will do the summer practice and ask for permision - you need the signature from the head of the department
  • send the form to the headquarter of the University Hospital

Clinical Practice in Internal Medicine Abroad


Once you complete your practice, make sure you get a certificate, confirming the completion of such clinical practice. You can either use our Certificate of Internship, or have the hospital issue their own certificate, provided that the same information as stated on the Certificate of Internship is included.

The student is required to submit Recorder of clinical practice (Log book) signed by the head of department or primary of the department to the responsible teacher, after completing the prescribed practice, for the obtaining of credits.

Summer Clinical Practice - NURSING 1 - 2.class of GM

Aim of the clinical practice: Aim of the clinical practice is to obtain practical skills in  prescribed procedures and to obtain experiences in nursing care of patients in hospital/clinic (at internal, geriatric departments).

Syllabus (practice description)

1. Provision conditions of nursing care:

  • organization of nursing care at a department in a hospital or clinic

2.Caring of patient basic needs:

  • caring of patient bed
  • patient food administration
  • urinary elimination care
  • catheterization, care of patients with permanent catheter
  • bowel elimination care, enema administration

3. Monitoring and recording vital signs:

  • monitoring of body temperature
  • measuring of blood pressure, respiratory and heart rate
  • recording of vital signs into patientʼs medical record

4. Human biological material collection:

  • blood collection (capillary and venous) for different types of analysis
  • urine collection, stool collection and collection of the other types of biological specimen

5. Drugs administration:

  • oral administration of drugs
  • drugs administration into eyes, ears, nose, on the skin, into rectum
  • drugs administration by inhalation into respiratory tract, application of oxygen therapy

6.Management of medical records of a patient:

  • patient admission, transfer and release into/from hospital

A list of specific practical exercises is part of the Logbook

Summer Clinical Practice - INTERNAL MEDICINE - 4. class

Aim of the subject: The objective of the practice is to obtain practical knowledge at the internal department and check theoretical knowledge at the bedside as well as become acquainted with physicians’ activities, their work at the bedside and in internal medicine outpatient department of polyclinics.

Syllabus (practice description)

  1. The student gets acquainted with the work of secondary doctors. Under the supervision of the head of the department or an authorised physician he works at the outpatient and inpatient departments and the inpatient work dominates.
  2. The student writes complete medical documentation on admission and discharge of the patient (specialist history, he takes medical records of new patients and records of clinical course (decursus morbi) in patients who were assigned to him (4-5 patients). All work is performed under the supervision of the attending physician. The student takes part in ward rounds of the head of the department.
  3. Work in laboratories is an integrated part of the practice. The student carries out basic examinations in assigned patients and assesses findings.
  4. Students have two seminars - ECG and X-ray – where they under the supervision of a responsible physician interpret and evaluate ECG and X-ray images. They take part in seminars where they report on particular cases of disease.
  5. The student takes active part in practical diagnostic and therapeutic procedures: application  of injections, infusions, transfusions (under supervision of the physician), blood, urine, sputum and other material samplings. The student passively takes part in various punctures (sternal, thoracic, abdominal, hepatic) and in various sophisticated examinations (gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, laparoscopy).
  6. In assigned patients the student independently carries out urine tests (chemical, biochemical and microscopic). Under the supervision of the chief laboratory worker the student familiarizes with examinations of blood picture, haemoglobin and blood smear.
  7. The student familiarizes with the work at admission office and occasionally with work of general practitioner.
  8. The student is obliged to perform 2 night shift duties.
  9. The student takes active part in educational activities among patients, morning staff meetings and scientific seminars.