General Medicine
Information regarding the pharmacology exam - academic year 2024/2025
The exam is in presence form at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
Test for the exam is taken at 7:30 at The Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. You must reach at least 60% to be admitted to the oral exam.
The test has 25 multiple choice questions. You have 30 minutes to finish the test. More answers can be correct/incorrect. Mark both correct and incorrect answers by T/F.
The oral exam approx. from 8:00 - 9:00. at the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
Oral exam - in order for the student to pass the exam, all 3 questions must be answered correctly
Triple combination:
- Basic Pharmacology
- Special Pharmacology
- Selected Drugs
If a student does not participate at exam for health or personal reasons, and does not sign out from AIS2, he must within 3 working days send through e-mail sick leave from doctor to the Secretariat of the Institute of Pharmacology. If a student fails to do it, after 3 days he will get FX from exam. Students can sign in/sign out of exam max. 24 hours in advance.
Schedule of lectures and tutorials during winter term 2024/2025 is available after you sign in to the system
New questions from Pharmacology GM - winter term 2024/2025
New questions for the oral part of exam GM - winter term 2024/2025
New questions for the written part of exam GM - winter term 2024/2025
Seminar Essays
Seminar Essays
Students are expected to prepare (write) and to present (orally) seminar essay.
A list of essay topics will be made available on the 1st pharmacology lesson.
One couple chooses one topic and collaborates on it. No more than 2 essays on one tutorial.
The selected topic will be registered on the student´s card and should not be changed during the semester.
Written preparation and oral presentation of the seminar work is one of the prerequisites for the credit. The seminar essay will be rated by a maximum of 100 points:
50 points for the written part handed in plus
50 points for the oral presentation.
The essay should be presented on the practical concerned with the topic of the essay.
Not presenting on time will result in a penalty of 20 points.
Formatting and structure of seminar paper
Essays should be printed in black ink on white A4 paper on one side of the paper only.
Line spacing: 1.5 throughout the body to the end of the document
(including the References)
Margins: 2.5 cm for top bottom, left, right
an extra 1 cm can be added on the left for binding
Font: Times New Roman, 12-pt.
Title page:
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Medicine
Institute of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
study group
Second Page: Contents
Subsequent pages: Body of the text - can contain headings, subheadings etc.:
- Aim of work
- Overview - main part of the work
Do not copy word for word from published literature!
- Conclusion
- References
Examples of references style:
Greenblatt DJ, Abernethy DR, Shader Jr RI. Pharmacokinetic aspects of drug therapy in the elderly. Ther Drug Monit 1986; 8 (6): 249-255.
Mitchell JR, Horning MG (Eds). Drug metabolism and drug toxicity. New York: Raven Press, 1984: 1–25.
Landsberger J. Citing Websites. Study Guides and Strategies. 17.04.2011. Available at (Accessed 24.05.2013).
Overall length of the seminar paper: at least 12 pages (recommended 12 - 15 pages)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Presentation (PowerPoint): max 15 slides, duration max 15 minutes
Prepare simple slides; more than 6 lines are difficult to read.
Use contrasting colours for background and text (e.g. dark blue background and white text).
Use capital and lower-case letters for body text (DO NOT USE ALL CAPS FOR BODY TEXT).
Use simple diagrams, graphs, and clip art to help make a point.
Practice giving your presentation to yourself. Once you get going, your good preparation will kick in.
Typical mistakes:
too much text on the slides
text not readable (small font), typos
reading from the slides
switching slides too fast
ignoring the audience