Terms for the Pharmacology exam - summer term 2023/2024
Dates for the Pharmacology exam are inserted in AIS2. You can register for them after Easter from Wednesday 3.4.2024 from 22:00 in the evening.
Information regarding the pharmacology exam - summer term 2023/2024
The exam is going to be in summer term as follow:
18:30 - 19:00 day before exam - Test via the Moodle system UK 2023/2024 (in order for a student to be admitted to the oral exam, he/she must achieve at least 60% of the test)
from approx. 8:00 - 9:00 - beginning of oral exams at the Institute of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology
If a student does not participate at exam for health or personal reasons, and does not sign out from AIS2, he must within 3 working days send through e-mail sick leave from doctor to the Secretariat of the Institute of Pharmacology. If a student fails to do it, after 3 days he will get FX from exam. Students can sign in/sign out of exam max. 24 hours in advance.
Schedule of lectures and tutorials during summer term 2023/2024 is available after you sign in to the system
New questions from Pharmacology - summer term 2023/2024
New questions for the oral part of exam DEN - summer term 2023/2024
New questions for the written part of exam DEN - summer term 2023/2024
Changed were approx. 20% of the questions.
An updated list of questions for the written part of the exam will be available within the next week.