Faculty of Medicine
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Informations !

Information for Dentistry Students:

Test 4 will take place on Monday, December 2, 2024, from 7:15 to 7:45 a.m. in the computer lab on Sasinkova Street, above the Institute of Immunology. 

Topics for Test 4 (updated November 20, 2024):

  • Gastric and duodenal ulcer. Pancreatitis. Ileus

  • Cirrhosis. Hepatic failure. Jaundice

  • Proteinuria, haematuria, nephritic and nephrotic syndrome, urine   investigation. Glomerul/tubulointerstitial nephritis

  • Acute and chronic renal failure

  • Diseases of suprarenal gland, hypothalamus and hypophysis

  • Insulin resistance. Diabetes mellitus and its complication

Information on Examination Dates Availability in AIS

Study Schedule as per Academic Regulations for the Academic Year 2024/2025:

Early Exam Dates: December 9–20, 2024  
Registration for early exam dates in Pathological Physiology on AIS will be available starting Sunday, November 17, 2024, from 9:00 p.m.

Regular Examination Period: January 2, 2025, to February 14, 2025  
Exam dates will be made available according to the academic regulations at least 3 weeks before the start, i.e., from Sunday, December 10, 2024, at 9:00 p.m.

Pathological physiology course information in the winter semester 2024/2025

Pathological physiology course information in the winter semester 2024/2025

Prerequisites: guidelines 1.3.2024

Prerequisites: guidelines 1.3.2024

Study literature

Study Literature

  • McPhee, S.J. et al.: Pathophysiology of Disease: Introduction to Clinical Medicine (McGraw-Hill/LANGE; 2019, 8th edition).
  • Norris, T.L.: Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States. 10th ed. Wolters Kluwer 2019; ISBN 978-1-4963-7755-5.
  • Silbernagel, S., Lang, F.: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology. New York: Thieme Verl., 2000, 406 p. ISBN 80-7169-968-3.
  • Hulín, I. et al.: Pathophysiology, Bratislava: SAP, 1997, 696 s. ISBN 80-88908-07-8. 

Textbook Pathophysiology, 1997


      Bratislava, SAP 1997, 696 s.

      ISBN 80-85665-90-5

      Illustration Albín Brunovský  1996   


Contents    ( pp. i - xi ) 

 1   Pathophysiology of the respiratory system   ( I. Hulín )

 1.1  The transport of oxygen to the organism   (pp. 3-7)

 1.2  Pathophysiology of respiration and respiratory organs  (pp. 7-16)

 1.3  Pneumonia   (pp. 16-18)

 1.4  Hypersensitive pneumonitis    (pp. 16-18)

 1.5  Pulmonary disorders caused by harmful substances in the inhaled air    (pp. 16-18)

 1.6  Chronic diseases of the airways    (pp. 16-18)

 1.7  Bronchiectasis    (pp. 16-18)

 1.8  Cystic fibrosis (of the lungs)    (pp. 16-18)

 1.9  Interstitial lung diseases    (pp. 16-18)

 1.10 Respiratory failure    (pp. 32-36)

 1.11 Tumours of the lung and bronchi    (pp. 36-37)

 1.12 Disorders of the diaphragm, thorax, pleura and mediastinum    (pp. 37-43) 


 2   Pathophysiology of blood and haematologic system   ( I. Hulín )

 2.1  Haematopoiesis    (pp. 16-18)

 2.2  Anaemias    (pp. 16-18)

 2.3  Haemostasis and haemocoagulation    (pp. 16-18)

 2.4  Disorders of primary haemostasis    (pp. 16-18)

 2.5  Disorders of haemocoagulation    (pp. 16-18)

 2.6  Disorders of leucocytes    (pp. 16-18)

 2.7  Malignant haematologic diseases   (pp. 81-87) 


 3   Pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system   ( I. Hulín, F. Šimko et al. )

 3.1   Functional characteristics of the cardiac muscle structure   (F. Šimko,  pp. 88-92)

 3.2   Metabolism of cardiac muscle cell   (F. Šimko,  pp. 88-94)

 3.3   Contraction-relaxation cycle   (F. Šimko,  pp. 94-97)

 3.4   Contractile function of myocardium and pumping function of the heart 

         (F. Šimko,  pp. 97-103)

 3.5   Pathomechanism of heart hailure   (F. Šimko,  pp. 103-115)

 3.6   Pathomechanism of cardiomyocyte damage of heart failure   (F. Šimko,  pp. 115-119)

 3.7   Hypertrophy of the heart - mechanism of adaptation to chronic hemodynamic overload

         (F.Šimko,  pp. 119-126)

 3.8   Valvular defects of the heart   (F. Šimko,  pp. 126-135)

 3.9   Cardiomyopathies  (F. Šimko,  pp. 135-139)

 3.10  General adaptation syndrome – stress   (F. Šimko,  pp. 139-145)

 3.11  Congenital heart diseases   (I. Hulín, L. Zlatoš,  pp. 145-150)

 3.12  Infective endocarditis   (I. Hulín,  pp. 150-152)

 3.13  Pathological changes of the blood pressure   (H. Sapáková,  pp. 152-155)

 3.14  Systemic arterial hypertension   (H. Sapáková,  pp. 155-162)

 3.15  Secondary arterial hypertension   (H. Sapáková,  pp. 162-169)

 3.16  Systemic arterial  hypotension   (D. Maasová,  pp. 169-171)

 3.17  Syncope   (D. Maasová,  pp. 171-172)

 3.18  Shock states   (I. Hulín,  pp. 172-183)

 3.19  Septic shock and septicemia   (I. Hulín,  pp. 183-186)

 3.20  Etiopathogenesis of atherosclerosis   (L. Zlatoš,  pp. 186-194)

 3.21  Coronary circulation disturbances   (I. Hulín,  pp. 194-196)

 3.22  Ischaemic  heart disease   (I. Hulín,  pp. 196-199)

 3.23  Acute myocardial infarction   (J. Murín,  pp. 199-205)

 3.24  Pathophysiology of the brain circulation   (B. Mladosievičová,  pp. 205-211)

 3.25  The basis of the electrical  action  of the heart   (I. Hulín,  pp. 211-228)

 3.26  The electrophysiological basis in the generation  of cardiac  arrhythmias 

         (I. Hulín,  pp. 228-239)

 3.27  Tachyarhythmia   (I. Hulín,  pp. 239-248)

 3.28  Diseases of the venous system    (J. Holzerová,  pp. 248-253)

 3.29  The role of endothelium in the reactivity of the vascular smooth muscle 

         (R. Sochorová,  pp.  253-256)


 4   Pathophysiology of kidneys and urinary system   ( I. Hulín )

 4.1   Introduction  (pp.  257-258)

 4.2   Basic anatomic notes  (pp.  258-263)

 4.3   Pecularities of renal blood flow  (pp.  263-266)

 4.4   The urine formation  (pp.  266-275)

 4.5   Disturbances of glomerular functions  (pp.  275-279)

 4.6   Acute renal failure  (pp.  279-281)

 4.7   Chronic renal failure   (pp.  281-285)

 4.8   Inflammatory processes of kidneys due to immunopathogenic mechanisms  

         (pp.  285-288)

 4.9   Glomerulopathies  (pp.  288-296)

 4.10  Infections of the urinary tract  (pp.  296-298)

 4.11  Tubulointerstitial renal diseases  (pp.  298-300)

 4.12  Renovascular diseases  (pp.  300-302)

 4.13  Prae-eclampsia and eclampsia  (pp. 302-302)

 4.14  Hereditary renal disease  (pp. 302-304)

 4.15  Urolithiasis  (pp. 304-305)

 4.16  Urinary outflow tract disturbances  (pp. 305-307) 

 4.17  Tumors of urinary tract  (pp. 307-307)


 5   Pathophysiology of endocrine system   ( L. Zlatoš )

 5.1  Types of endocrine disorders  (pp. 308-309)

 5.2  Etiology  of endocrine disorders  (pp. 309-310)

 5.3  Pathophysiology of hypothalamic-hypophyseal system  (pp. 310-325)

 5.4  Pathophysiology of thyroid gland  (pp. 325-356)

 5.5  Patophysiology of parathyroid gland  (pp. 356-366)

 5.6  Pathophysiology of the adrenal glands  (pp. 366-391)

 5.7  Endocrine disorders of the ovaries  (pp. 391-397)

 5.8  Endocrine disorders of the testes  (pp. 397-404)

 5.9  Pathophysiology of the endocrine pancreas  (pp. 404-429)


 6   Pathophysiology of the nervous system   ( M. Bernadič et al. )

 6.1   The basic anatomical  and physiological aspects  (pp. 430-435)

 6.2   Neuronal injury  (pp. 435-437)

 6.3   Neuroglia  (pp. 437-437)

 6.4   The basic etiopathogenetic factors in the nervous system disturbances  (pp. 437-440)

 6.5   Some syndroms occuring upon the injury of the nervous system  (pp. 440-442)

 6.6   Head injuries  (pp. 442-446)

 6.7   Brain edema  (pp. 446-448)

 6.8   Intracranial hypertension  (pp. 448-450)

 6.9   Hydrocephaly  (pp. 450-451)

 6.10  Demyelination diseases  (pp. 451-454)

 6.11  Degenerative  diseases of the CNS  (pp. 454-457)

 6.12  Epilepsy (J. Holzerová)  (pp. 457-464)

 6.13  Disturbances of the oxygen supply to the brain   (pp. 464-466)

 6.14  Cerebral infarction  (pp. 466-467)

 6.15  Intracranial haemorhage  (pp. 467-468)

 6.16  Aging changes and brain tissue atrophy  (pp. 468-468)

 6.17  Infections  (pp. 468-472)

 6.18  Nutritional, toxic and metabolic dysfunctions of the brain (encephalopathies)  

         (pp. 472-475)

 6.19  Tumors of the nervous system  (pp. 475-476)

 6.20  Injury of the  spine  (pp. 476-477)

 6.21  Diseases of the motor neuron  (pp. 477-478)

 6.22  Peripheral nerves  (pp. 478-479)

 6.23  Neuromuscular diseases   (pp. 479-480)

 6.24  Autonomous (vegetative) nervous system (A. Kráľ)  (pp. 480-495)


 7   Pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract  ( I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš )

 7.1   Introduction  (I. Ďuriš, I. Hulín)  (pp. 496-497)

 7.2   Oesophagus  (pp. 497-498)

 7.3   Diseases of the oesophagus  (pp. 498-499)

 7.4   Stomach and duodenum (I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš)  (pp. 499-501)

 7.5   Diseases of the stomach and duodenum  (pp. 501-506)

 7.6   Exocrine pancreas (M. Bernadič)  (pp. 506-508)

 7.7   Impairment of the exocrine function of pancreas (M. Bernadič)  (pp. 508-510)

 7.8   Small intestine (I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš)  (pp. 510-514)

 7.9   The large intestine   (pp. 514-515)

 7.10  Malabsorption   (pp. 515-517)

 7.11  Diarrhea  (pp. 517-519)

 7.12  Constipation (H. Sapáková)  (pp. 519-522)

 7.13  Intestinal obstruction (M. Turčáni)  (pp. 522-526)

 7.14  Inflammation and other intestinal diseases (I. Hulín, I. Ďuriš)  (pp. 526-529)

 7.15  Tumours of the GIT  (pp. 529-531)

 7.16  Bleeding from GIT  (pp. 531-533)

 7.17  Abdominal pain  (pp. 533-535)

 7.18  The Liver (D. Maasová)  (pp. 535-540)

 7.19  Pathophysiology of the liver (D. Maasová)  (pp. 540-547)

 7.20  Jaundice (D. Massová)  (pp. 547-552)

 7.21  Diseases of the gallbladder (D. Maasová)  (pp. 552-553)

 7.22  Gastrointestinal hormones (I. Ďuriš)  (pp. 553-556)


 8   Pathophysiology of bones and joints   ( D. Maasová et al. )

 8.1  Introduction  (pp. 557-562)

 8.2  Generalized skeleton disorders   (pp. 562-568)

 8.3  Localized bone disorders  (pp. 568-569)

 8.4  Disorders of joints  (I. Šulková, M. Bakošová)   (pp. 569-576)


 9   Inflammation and fever  ( I. Hulín, M. Ferenčík, V. Štvrtinová, J. Jakubovský )

 9.1  Inflammation   (pp. 577-633)

 9.2  Fever (I.Hulín)  (pp. 634-640)


 10   Pathophysiology of malignant diseases   ( B. Mladosievičová )

 10.1  Carcinogenesis  (pp. 641-646)

 10.2  Cellular oncogenes   (pp. 646-647)

 10.3  Characteristics of cancer cells  (pp. 647-651)

 10.4  Tumor growth and development  (pp. 651-653)

 10.5  Predisposing factors of cancer cells  (pp. 653-653)

 10.6  Characteristics of benign tumors  (pp. 653-654)

 10.7  Pathophysiology of malignant disease  (pp. 654-658)

 10.8  Immune surveillance and cancer  (pp. 658-658)


 11   Fluids and electrolytes   ( H. Sapáková, D. Maasová )

 11.1  Fluids disorders  (H. Sapáková)  (pp. 659-666)

 11.2  Electrolyte balance  and its disturbances  (H. Sapáková)  (pp. 666-674)

 11.3  Disorders of acid- base homeostasis  (D. Maasová, Š. Navarčíková)  (pp. 674-681)


 Index    ( pp. 683 - 696 )

 List of Figures    ( pp. xiii - xv ) 

 List of Tables    ( pp. xvii )

Test questions (update September, 2022)


Test questions (update September, 2022)



Exam questions of Pathological Physiology

Exam questions of Pathological Physiology