Collection of papers of Institute of Medical Terminology and Foreign Languages FM CU
Title: A. M.O. S. Acta miscellanea orbis scientiae
Author/Editor: Angela Škovierová
Publisher: Lekárska fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave - Lekárska fakulta
Published in: Bratislava
Year: 2019
Pages: 180
ISBN: 978-80-223-4828- 7
Description: The content of the collective volume A. M. O. S. Acta miscellanea orbis scientiae focuses on scientific terminology, which is perceived as a collection of the language means which can be used in social and natural sciences or in their specialized branches – medicine, pharmacology, pedagogy, biology, economy, law etc. The included studies discuss broader cultural and historical aspects of the history of various languages. They cover not only various aspects of the teaching of Slovak language for specific purposes but also Latin, English, German and other foreign languages used in international communication. Topics of the collected studies vary from the history of medicine through the history of methodological approaches of teaching foreign languages to the development of explanatory style in the Slovak language. Another group of articles consists of various studies presenting the results of authors’ original research projects in various subdisciplines of language studies – didactics and phonology. The last section of the publication consists of studies that focus on sharing the experience with teaching and researching terminology at various workplaces.