Obligatory and recommended study literature
Obligatory and recommended study literature
Obligatory study literature
Platzer, W. Color Atlas of Human Anatomy. Vol.1. Locomotor System. 7th ed. Stuttgart; New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2014. 480p. ISBN: 9783135333076
Fritsch, H., Kuehnel, W. Color Atlas of Human Anatomy. Vol. 2. Internal organs. 6th ed. Stuttgart; New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2014. 484p. ISBN: 9783135334066
Kahle, W., Frotscher M. Color Atlas of Human Anatomy. Vol. 3. Nervous System and Sensory Organs. 7th ed. Stuttgart; New York: Georg Thieme Verlag, 2015. 428p. ISBN: 9783135335070
Netter, F. H. Atlas of Human Anatomy: Classic regional approach. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders - Elsevier, 2022. 712 p. ISBN: 9780323680424
Paulsen, F., Waschke, J. Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy. Vol. 1. 16th ed., English/Latin. General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System. Elsevier, 2018. 462p. ISBN: 9780702052699
Paulsen, F., Waschke, J. Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy. Vol. 2. 16th ed., English/Latin. Internal Organs. Elsevier, 2018. 334 p. ISBN: 9780702052705
Paulsen, F., Waschke, J. Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy. Vol. 3. 16th ed., English/Latin. Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy. Elsevier, 2018. 470 p. ISBN: 9780702052712
Hansen J. T. Netter's Clinical Anatomy. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders – Elsevier, 2019. 608p. ISBN: 9780323531887
Loukas, M., Benninger, B., Tubbs, R.S. Gray's Clinical Photographic Dissector of the Human Body. 2nd ed. Elsevier, 2018. 480p. ISBN: 9780323544177
Detton, A.J. Grant's Dissector. 17th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2020. 336p. ISBN: 978-1-975134-60-0
Recommended study literature
Standring, S. Gray’s Anatomy. The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 42nd ed. Elsevier, 2020. 1606p. ISBN: 9780702077050
Wineski, L. E. Snell´s Clinical Anatomy by Regions. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2019. 804p. ISBN: 978149634564-6
Splittgerber, R. Snell´s Clinical Neuroanatomy. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2019. 560p. ISBN: 978-1-4963-4675-9
Moore, K., Agur, A., Dalley, A. Essential Clinical Anatomy. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2019. 720 p. ISBN: 1496369653
Spratt , J. D., Salkowski L., Loukas, M., Turmezei, T., Weir, J., Abrahams, P. Weir & Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy. Elsevier, 2017. 280p. ISBN: 9780723438267
Hansen J. T. Netter's Anatomy Coloring Book. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders – Elsevier, 2014. 400p. ISBN: 978-0-323-18798-5
Drake R., Vogl A. W., Mitchel A. W. Gray's Anatomy for Students. 4rd ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone – Elsevier, 2020. 1180p. ISBN: 9780323393041
Paulsen F, Böckers TM, Waschke J. Sobotta Anatomy Textbook. 1st ed. Elsevier 2018. 824 p. ISBN: 9780702067600
Liebgott B. The Anatomical Basis of Dentistry. 4th ed. Elsevier 2017. 460 p. ISBN: 9780323477307
Holomáňová, A., Brucknerová, I. Srdcovocievna sústava: Anatomické názvy. Latinsko-anglicko-slovenský slovník. Bratislava: Vyd. Elán, 2000. 65s. ISBN: 80-85331-26-8
Holomáňová, A., Brucknerová, I. Anatomické názvy I. Latinsko-anglicko-slovenský slovník. Anatomical terms Bratislava: Vyd. Elán, 2001. 94s. ISBN: 80-85331-29-2
Holomáňová, A., Brucknerová, I. Anatomické názvy II. Latinsko-anglicko-slovenský slovník. Anatomical terms Bratislava: Vyd. Elán, 2002. 142s. ISBN: 80-85331-34-9
Holomáňová, A., Brucknerová, I. Anatomické názvy III. Latinsko-anglicko-slovenský slovník. Anatomical terms Bratislava: Vyd. Elán, 2003. 154s. ISBN: 80-85331-39-X