Faculty of Medicine
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Compulsory and non-compulsory optional subjects

Modern Biophysics

Introduction to modern biophysics, Bio-magnetism, Nanoparticles, Physical phenomena in human brain, DNA and chemical bonds, Thermodynamics: Entropy and the arrow of time, Bioenergetics, Experimental methods in medical physics, Artificial intelligence in medicine, Machine Learning, Structure of consciousness, Quantum brain hypothesis.


The use of artificial intelligence in medicine rapidly increases every year and undoubtedly it will replace human doctors in a large percentage of their work in the upcoming decades. Recently I wrote a policy paper for Google about the limits of AI concerning especially its possibility to gain consciousness and ability to think as humnas. Please read it and we will discuss it (maybe via online seminar) and especially the use of AI and its limits in healthcare. 

Limits and Challenges of the Current State of AI

Dr. Varchola






Imaging Methods in Medicine

Physical principles of radiation, radiation dosimetry, radiation detection, protection against ionizing radiation, safety regulations.

X-ray imaging methods -sources and properties of radiation, X-ray interaction with matter, image creation and imaging systems, skiagraphy, fluoroscopy, digital radiography, computed tomography, artifacts, application.

Imaging methods using radionuclides - sources and properties of radiation, interaction of radiation with matter and its detection, preparation of radionuclides, labelling, image creation and imaging systems, positron emission tomography, single photon emission computed tomography, artifacts, application.

Magnetic resonance imaging - physical principles of nuclear magnetic resonance, image creation and imaging systems, artifacts, application.

Ultrasound imaging methods - sources and properties of ultrasound, interaction with matter, ultrasound detection, image creation and imaging systems, probes, modes, artifacts, Doppler phenomenon, Doppler systems, application.

Optical and optoelectric diagnostic methods - physical principles of methods, light reflection and refraction, light sources and properties, image creation and imaging systems, light and electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, optical coherent tomography, endoscopy, artifacts, application.

Thermometry and thermography - infrared radiation, physical principles, properties and sources, liquid crystals, image creation and imaging systems, artifacts, application.


Lectures and all informations


Medical Statistics

Measurement and statistical data processing in medicine. Probability and random variables. Population, sample, statistical variable.

Descriptive Statistics - sample characteristics. Theoretical probability distributions and their application to biomedical measurements. Outliers.

Inductive Statistics - hypothesis testing for one or two samples, paired and unpaired comparisons - parametric and nonparametric tests, confidence intervals.

Testing of related data - regression and correlation.

Categorical data testing - contingency tables.

Comparing multiple samples, monitoring the impact of factors - analysis of variance.

Survival analysis - survival curve, time series. Principles of discriminatory and cluster analysis.

Data interpretation - use of statistical tables.

Graphic presentation of data. Graphical and statistical data processing using a computer. Criteria for choosing the appropriate test and the appropriate graph.

Electromagnetic Methods in Medicine

Anatomical, physiological and physical basics of bioelectromagnetism. Transport processes at the cellular level. Biophysics of excitation processes.

Biological signals as a basis for diagnostic methods in medicine (ECG, EEG, ERG, EGG, EMG, MCG, MEG, MMG). Basics of biomedical electronics. Types of electrodes.

Passive electrical and magnetic properties of cells, tissues and organs as the basis of therapeutic methods. Electrical and magnetic stimulation of nervous and cardiac tissue, defibrillation of the heart. Impedance plethysmography, impedance tomography, electrodermal response.

Characteristics of electromagnetic fields and their interaction with organism. Application of DC and AC -electrotherapeutic systems.

Electromagnetic spectrum, its basic characteristics and assignment of regions to individual spectroscopic and tomographic methods. Influence of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation to the body. Laser as optical electromagnetic radiation -its interactionwith organism, use.

Health and safety at registration and application of electrical and magnetic signals.

Principles of eHealth

Current and final state of eHealth.

Health documentation in electronic form, electronic health records.

ICT standards in healthcare and health terminology standards.

Interoperability of health information systems (communication, common repository).

Legislation, safety and confidence in eHealth-Electronic health education (eLearning in healthcare).