Faculty of Medicine
Student and Employee Portal

Institute of Forensic Medicine

Examination questions

download 1 here

Harmonogram and syllabus

General medicine 5th - winter semester 2022/2023


GM 5th year 2024_2025 Lectures WS

GM 5 Interships 2024-2025 WS

Schedule interships 5. GM WS 2024-2025 students 


DEN 5th year 2024_2025 Interships schedule WS

Stomatology 5th - winter semester 2021/2022 


DEN 5th year 2024_2025 Lectures WS



Literature for self-study:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/<wbr />Simpsons-Forensic-Medicine-<wbr />Jason-Payne-James/dp/<wbr />1498704298

harmonogram and syllabus will always be updated before the beginning of a new semester

Examination questions

download 1 here