Faculty of Medicine
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Teaching department of burns and reconstructive surgery

About us

Department of Burns and Reconstructive Surgery is highly specialized medical center, which offers preventive and therapeutic care to adults and children as well. High quality medical care is focused on burns, wounds and defects of different origin, losses of soft tissues, decubitus and diabetic foot. Both, conservative and operative treatment is provided. 

The department is devided into the two wards, intensive care unit and own operative block. An essential part of the department forms Central Tissue Bank, which ensures taking, elaboration and storage of tissues and cells for medical use in plastic and reconstructive surgery. 

Our team

  1. ADE Bromelain-based enzymatic debridement as a treatment of choice in high-risk patient with deep facial burns, a case report / Nikola Ferančíková ... [et al.]
    In: International Journal of Surgery Case Reports. - č. 71 (2020), s. 6-10
  2. ADE Exposed kidney transplant salvage by the use of allogeneic human acellular dermal matrix graft for disrupted abdominal wall reconstruction / Nina Šarközyová ... [et al.]
    In: Clinics in Surgery [elektronický dokument]. - Roč. 4 (2019), s. [1-3], Art. No. 2488 [online]
  3. ADN Aplikácia biologickej matrice pri rekonštrukcii inflamovanej brušnej steny / Nina Šarközyová, Ján Koller
    In: Lekársky obzor. - Roč. 69, č. 1 (2020), s. 32-35
  4. AFD Acelulárna aloderma v rekonštrukčnej chirurgii / Nina Šarközyová
    In: Zborník vedeckých prác [elektronický dokument]. - ISBN 978-80-223-4712-9. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2019. - S. 178-182 [online]
  5. AFH Dočasné kryty rán, kožné náhrady / Nina Šarközyová, Ján Koller
    In: Kongres SSPLR 2019. - ISBN 978-80-973245-6-8. - Bratislava : Farmi-Profi, 2019. - S. 24-25
  6. AFH Využitie acelulárnej dermálnej náhrady v chirurgii / N. Šarkőzyová, J. Koller
    In: Kongres SSPLR 2017. - ISBN 978-80-972285-4-5. - Bratislava : FarmiProfi, 2017. - S. 39
  7. AFH Použitie kryokonzervovanej alogénnej acelulárnej dermálnej náhrady v chirurgii / Ján Koller ... [et al.]
    In: 73. chirurgický deň Kostlivého : Tradícia a inovácia v chirurgii. - ISBN 978-80-973245-7-5. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2019. - S. 17-18
  8. AFH Klinická aplikácia acelulárnej dermálnej náhrady v rekonštrukcii kontrakčnej jazvy / Nina Šarközyová, Ján Koller
    In: 8. Stredoeurópsky popáleninový kongres : kniha abstraktov. - ISBN 978-80-972285-6-9. - Bratislava : Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2018. - S. 39-40
  9. AFH Klinická aplikácia acelulárnej dermálnej náhrady v rekonštrukcii defektov / Nina Šarközyová, Valéria Cucorová, Ján Koller
    In: Kongres SSPLR 2018 s medzinárodnou účasťou. - ISBN 978-80-972285-9-0. - Bratislava : Slovenská spoločnosť pre liečenie rán, 2018. - S. 5-5
  10. BFA Acellular allodermis grafts prepared by a novel method for use in burns and reconstructive surgery / N. Šarközyová ... [et al.]
    In: 17th European Burns Association Congress. - ’s-Hertogenbosch : EBA, 2017. - S. 31
  11. BFA Rapid enzymatic debridement of deep facial burns in a patient with severe inhalation injury: Case report / N. Ferančíková, N. Šarközyová, J. Koller
    In: 17th European Burns Association Congress. - AK ‘s-Hertogenbosch: EBA, 2017. - S. 150
  12. BFA New method for preparation of acellular allodermis / N. Šarközyová ... [et al.]
    In: 21. výroční konference České společnosti popáleninové medicíny ČLS JEP [elektronický zdroj]. - Praha : Burnsprague, 2017. - Nestr. [1 s.] [online]

Education - information for students


General medicine - 3. year and 5. yaer

Dentistry - 3. year, 4. year


General medicine - 6. year - before state exam in Surgery


General medicine:

- 3. year students start at 8:15 am

- 6. year students start at 7:00 am

Theoretical knowledge required:

skin anatomy and physiology, ethiology and classification of burns

Equipment required:

scrub uniform and hospital shoes (outdoor shoes are NOT allowed)

Program of practicals:

- presence and examination of student´s knowledge

- conservative therapy of wounds and defects

- surgical therapy of deep burns

- skin grafting

- visit of intensive care unit

- patient examination and admission (6. year students)

Practicals will be enriched with e-learning. 

For late comming or unprepared students a possibility to substitute will be offered in the end of semester. The date will be announced on this web site. It is required to register for substitution at least one day before. 



Otázky na štátnu skúšku a Odborná literatúra



Biological skin substitutes in the treatment of extensive burns
Skin cell cultures and their application in support of donor sites healing
Enzymatic debridement of burns
Negative pressure wound therapy
Preparation and application of human alogeneic acellular dermis
Topical antimicrobial therapy in prevention and treatment of burn wound infection 
Mesenchymal stem cells in burn scars reconstructions