Syllabus of Ophthalmology
General Medicine
Class : 5th. Semester: winter / summer
The place of ophthalmology in the system of medical disciplines. History of ophthalmology. Clinical morphology, embryology and physiology of the eye. Postnatal development of the eye and visual functions.Principles of physiology and photochemistry of the vision. Refractory system of the eye.
Principles of the paediatric ophthalmology and ophthalmogenetics.Congenital glaucoma. The most frequent causes of the blindness and low vision in the infancy - retinopathy of prematurity, tapetoretinal dystrophies, optic nerve anomalies, pediatric cataract, high myopia, and ocular tumours. Strabismus concomittans and paralyticus; amblyopia. Principles of the treatment.
Diseases of auxilliary organs of the eye. Orbit: Anatomy; Exophthalmus; Enophthalmus. Eyebrows: defects of position. Inflammatory diseases (reasons, differ. diagnosis, treatment). Allergic states on the skin. Tumours. Lacrimal organ: glandula lacrimalis. Lacrimal ways - reasons of obstruction. Hydrops sacci lacrimalis. Dacryocystitis purulenta and phlegmonosa: diagnosis, principles of treatment. Dacryocystorhinostomia. The eye and the systemic diseases.
Diseases of the optic nerve and the visual pathways. Neuritis n.optici intraocularis and retrobulbaris. Aetiology, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Oedema of the optic disc. Atrophia n.optici post neuritidem and atrophia simplex. Elementary neouroophthalmology.
Intraocular tumours – benign and malignant (melanoma, retinoblastoma)
Extraocular tumours – benign and malignant tumours ot the orbit, eyelids, lacrimal gland etc. Basal cell carcinoma.
The red eye. Glaucomas. Diseases of the conjunctiva: Conjuctivitis. Aethiology, diagnosis, treatment. Diseases of the fibrous capsule of the eye. Keratitis: a/ superficial b/ deep: parenchymatosa (profunda) and disciformis. Aetiology, diagnosis, and treatment. Complications and consequences. Episcleritis and scleritis. Diseases of the uveal tract: Aetiology. Iridocyclitis. Chororetinitis.Glaucomas: Principles of the intraocular pressure maintance and accepted theories of the regulation.
Glaucoma diseases - primary glaucoma. Closed-angle glaucoma. Open angle glaucoma. Other types of the glaucoma.Secondary glaucoma. Absolute glaucoma. Principles of the treatment (topical, medicamentous and surgical). Differential diagnosis of the red eye, it´s importance for a general practicioner.
Diseases of the lens. Cataracts: the metabolism of the lens. Cataracta senilis, complicata, traumatica, secundaria. Diagnosis and microsurgical treatment. Subluxatio et luxatio lentis. Abnormalities of the lens shape and position.
Diseases of the vitreous body.
Retinal detachment
Vascular diseases of retina. Disturbances of the circulation in retinal vessels (embolia and thrombosis). Retinopathies: sclerotic and hypertonic, diabetic, eclamptic and diseases of the blood. Laser treatment of the diabetic retinopathy.
Degenerative diseases of the retina. Age related macular degeneration. Macular hole.
Traumatology of the eye. Lid wounds. Orbital fractures. Mechanical injuries of the globe. Closed and open. Terminology, diagnostic, treatment. Thermo-chemical burns of the eye and mixts. Damage of the eye caused by ionizing (X-Ray) and non-ionizing radiation (ultraviolet and infrared spectrum). First aid and professional ophthalmological aid.
Practical lessons:
Anatomy of the eye. Dissection of the animal eye. Demonstration of the most common intraocular surgeries on the animal eye. Dioptric sysem of the eye. Visual acuity testing. Refractive errors of the eye, diagnosing and correction. Accomodation and presbyopy. Colour sense and its examination. Examination of the optic parts of the eye. Transillumination of the eye. Patinets demostration.
Glaucomas: diagnostic steps and treatment. Perimetry. Tonometry. Screening of glaucomas. Ultrasonography in ophthalmology. Fluorescein angiography.
Objective examination of the eye: inspection, exophthalmometry, tear film-Schirmer test. Diagnostic procedures in the day light.
Slit-lamp biomicroscopy.
Diagnostic of the lacrimal ways disturbances.
Pedoophthalmology. Examination of the patients at the children´s department. Squint. Conservative and surgical treatment of the squint.
Patients examination.
Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy. Ophthalmic injuries. First aid in ophthalmology. Topical treatment by drops and ointments. Demonstration of patients before and after various types of intraocular surgery (cataract, retinal detachment, vitrectomy).
Patient examination. Recording of the patients history, examination of the eye, diagnosis. Discussion with an assistent.
Practicals – test: 20 questions
Class : 4th. Semester: summer
Anatomy and physiology of the eye. Dieseases of the orbit and auxilliary organs of the eye. Traumatology of the eye and orbit. Pricniples of the pedoophthalmology. The most common diseases of the anterior and posterior eye segment: diagnostic and treatment. Priciples of the eye microsurgery.
Diseases of the orbit. Exophthalmus. Diseases of the auxilliary organs of the eye. Traumatology of the orbit, auxilliary organs and eye.
Cooperation between stomatology and ophthalmology. Physiology of the eye. Development of the visual functions. Optical systém of the eye. Principles of the pedoophthalmology. Squint: diagnostic and treatment.
Inflammattive diseases of the anterior eye segment. Differential diagnostic of the “red eye”. Glaucomas. Intraocular tumours and extraocular tumours. Cataract.
Diseases of the lens: cataract; subluxation and lucation of the lens. Diseases of the vitreous body. Retinal detachment. Age related macular degeneration. Vitreoretinal surgery.
Vascular disease of the retina. Retinopathies. Diseases of the optic nerve.
Practical lessons:
History of the patient with ophthalmic diseases. Local treatment in ophthalmology. Autopsy of the animal eye. Optical system and refractive errors of the eye. Examination of the visual acuity and refractive errors. Presbyopy. Colour sense. Examination of the eye in the daz- and oblique light. Principles of ophthalmoscopy.
Examination of patients with anterior segment diseases. Glaucomas. Tonometry. Perimetry. Examination of patients with diseases of the posterior eye segment.
Recording of the patients history, examination of the eye, diagnosis. Discussion with teacher.
Practicals: test - 20 questions