Questions for Oral Exam GM 5th Year
Ophthalmology - extent of knowledge for the theoretical examination - General Med.- 5th class.
1. Anatomy of the orbit and adnexal tissues
2. Anatomy of the eye globe
3. The optic nerv and the visual pathways
4. Eye history by eye function disorders, differential diagnosis of pain in eye and adnexal eye tissue
5. Eye history at the „blurred vision“
6. Visual acuity – principles of examination, optotypes
7. Disorders of the refraction system: myopy
8. Disorders of the refraction system: hyperopy
9. Disorders of the refraction system: astigmatism
10. Contact lenses
11. Accomodiation, presbyopy, stereoscopic vision
12. Tears, tears production, drainage system, examination methods
13. Examination in side focal light, biomicroscopy
14. Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy
15. Intraocular pressure and tonometry
16. Visual field, perimetry
17. Colour vision principles and examination
18. Physical examination of the eye and auxiliary organs (inspection, palpation, eyelid eversion)
19. Angiography and ultrasound examination
20. X-ray, MRI, CT - principles and indication in ophthalmology
21. Diagnosis of dynamic strabismus
22. Diagnosis of paralytic strabismus
23. Electrophysiological examinations in ophthalmology. Optical coherence tomography of the anterior and posterior segments of the eye
24. Physiological and pathological reactions of the pupil, pupillary reflex arc
25. Extraocular muscles, function, inervation
26. Inflammatory diseases and orbital tumors, exophthalmos
27. Changes in the eyelid position – entropion, ectropion
28. Inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, eye lashes, inflammation of the glands of the eye lids
29. Diseases of the lacrimal glands
30. Diseases of the lacrimal system and lacrimal duct
31. Non-infectious and allergic conjunctivitis
32. Dry eye syndroma
33. Infectious conjunctivitis
34. Dystrophic-degenerative conjunctival changes
35. Concomitant strabism
36. Paralytic strabism
37. Heterophoria and nystagmus
38. Purulent superficial corneal inflammation
39. Trachoma
40. Non-purulent superficial inflammation of the cornea
41. Keratitis e lagophthalmo, ophthalmia photoelectrica, vitamin A deficiency
42. Deep inflammation of the cornea
43. Dystrophic and degenerative corneal changes
44. Sclera; episcleritis and scleritis
45. Iritis, iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis
46. Tumors of the auxiliary organs of the eye and orbit
47. The „red eye“ syndroma
48. Sympathetic ophthalmia
49. Tumors of the uvea and retina in adults
50. Tumors of the uveae and retina in children
51. Hypertonic-sclerotic changes of the retinal vessels
52. Occlusion of the central retinal vein
53. Central retinal artery embolism
54. Diabetic retinopathy - etiopathogenesis, clinical findings
55. Diabetic retinopathy - treatment
56. Retinal and macular dystrophy
57. Age-related macular degeneration - etiopathogenesis, clinical findings
58. Age-related macular degeneration - treatment
59. Retinal detachment - etiology, clinical findings
60. Retinal detachment - treatment
61. Inflammation, infectious and venereal retinal diseases
62. Aqueous humor and intraocular pressure
63. Glaucoma diseases, primary glaucoma
64. Glaucoma diseases, secondary glaucoma
65. Glaucoma disease - treatment
66. Vitreous body diseases
67. Cataract - senile, clinical findings, classification
68. Cataract – complicated and traumatic
69. Cataract in children - treatment
70. Afakia, pseudofakia - possibilities of correction
71. Lens position changes
72. Principles of refractive surgery
73. Chemical injuries and ocular burns of the cornea and conjunctiva - first aid
74. Basics and principles of reconstructive surgery in perforation and penetration injuries of the eye
75. Eye and systemic diseases
76. Inflammation of the optic nerve
77. Optic nerve atrophy
78. Edema of the optic nerve disc
79. Congenital malformation of the eye and auxiliaries
80. Postnatal development of vision
81. Prevention and screening in ophthalmology