Faculty of Medicine
Student and Employee Portal

Department of Infectology and Geographical Medicine

Get to know us

Assoc. prof. Peter Sabaka, MD, PhD.
Matej Bendžala, MD, PhD.
Alžbeta Roščáková
Assoc. prof. MUDr. Igor Stankovič, MD, CSc.
Pavlína Bukovinová, MD, PhD. MPH
Karol Laktiš, MD, CSc.
MUDr. Mohammad M. O. Dababseh
Ján Jurenka MD
bc. Katarína Horáčková
collective in 2003
collective in 2017

General Medicine

Duet to the directive of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UK, No. 1/6608/2005/prav. our clinic is listed as a “Prohibited workplaces high risk for pregnancy”.

Subject Infectology - 5th year general medicine


We recommend students to register in MS Teams, in the " INFEKTOLOGIA " team.

The login code is: 1atacr1

You will find learning materials there. You can also communicate with us via chat.

We will be happy if you answer the short "Student Questionnaire" in MS Teams in the "Infektologia" team.

Course description



Lectures schedule
Practicals schedule
winter semester schedule



Lectures will be held in person according to the schedule.

  • Neuroinfections - assoc. prof. Igor Stankovič MD, CSc.
  • Diarrhoea - assoc. prof. Igor Stankovič MD, CSc.
  • Liver infections - assoc. prof. Igor Stankovič MD, CSc.
  • Soft tissue infections - assoc. prof. Peter Sabaka MD, PhD.
  • Imported infections - assoc. prof. Peter Sabaka MD, PhD.
  • ATB treatment - Matej Bendžala MD, PhD.
  • HIV/AIDS - Matej Bendžala MD. PhD.



In case of absence from practicals for any reason, it is necessary to notify the KIGM secretariat in advance by e-mail at roscakova1@uniba.sk, MS Teams - "Infektologia" team - roscakova1.

Practicals start at 8:30 a.m. in Auditorium on the 5th floor of the department.

In the practical part (ward and laboratory) working clothes and shoes are mandatory!

The practicals block ends with the submission and review of the patient's written medical record.



Notice to all students!
An exam from another subject is not a reason to excuse non-participation in internships. You have to sign up for other dates!


Patient's medical record

Prepare the medical record in A4 format (1-2 pages). Submit on the last day of internships. In the event that 1 patient is examined by several students, each student must process, write and bring the medical record himself (not one copy).

The patient's medical record must contain: 

  • Student identification (name, study group)
  • Patient identification (only initials, age) 

Structure of medical record: 

  • Current disease (at least 1-2 paragraphs)
  • Epidemiological history
  • Family history
  • Personal history
  • Social anamnesis
  • Allergological history
  • Objective finding - Status praesens generalis, Status praesens localis (full range as in internal propaedeutics)
  • Relevant laboratory results
  • Results of other relevant examinations
  • Diagnostic conclusion
  • Differential diagnostic
  • Proposed treatment
  • and possible other diagnostic procedures


Conditions for taking the exam and granting credit

  • completion of 5 days of practicals at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Geographical Medicine
  • elaboration and referencing of the patient's medical record
  • successful completion of a written test (more than 60 %)
  • oral exam, consisting of 2 questions




The oral exam takes place in the week following the end of the block on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. The dates for the exam are announced on the first day of the practicals in AIS2 and it is possible to register for the exam only in the week that is determined for the given block. If the student does not apply for this date, then he has another option within the examination period of the relevant semester. In a justified case, please contact roscakova1@uniba.sk by e-mail with a request for another date.

The exam consists of a written test and an oral exam.


Written test

The written test lasts 50 minutes. The test has 100 questions with 4 possible answers (several answers may be correct, but at least 1). Upon successful completion of the final test (minimum 60 %), the student can pass an oral exam.

Topics of test questions
Test evaluation


Oral examination

You will draw 2 questions on the oral exam. You have about 20 minutes to prepare. If you do not need preparation, you can answer immediately, without preparation. The evaluation will be registered in AIS2 within 24 hours.

Oral examination


Notice for all GM students (except those included in the Erasmus programme)!

It is prohibited by the study department to change subjects within the semester! The next week after completing the practicals is the deadline for taking the exam of your block. If you do not use it and go to another subject despite this ban, you must take the exam only in the exam period.

Notice for students of the Erasmus programme!

Do not register for the listed exam date if you are studying another subject at that time! You are assigned to a study group with which you do not have quite the same curriculum. In the event that you have another subject on the exam date for your block, ask the head of the department in writing by e-mail to sabaka1@uniba.sk for a different date. If you register and don't come to the exam, you get a "didn't come" and an "Fx" grade.




Subject "Internal Medicine 2" - 4th Class Dentistry


Lectures in the 8th, 9th, and 10th weeks are held face-to-face at the Department of Infectology and Geographical Medicine, Limbová 5, UNB Kramáre on the 4th floor in room no.


Within the subject, lectures and practicals are divided in the ratio of 1/3 practicals (1 day) at the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology and 2/3 (2 days) practicals at the Department of Infectology and Geographical Medicine. The final test is held at the Department of Infectology and Geographical Medicine after the end of all practicals and contains questions from both hematology and infectology in the same ratio as the teaching representation.

The first day of the practicals takes place at the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology. The second and third days of practicals take place on the 4th floor of the Department of Infectology and Geographical Medicine in room no. 458/459 exactly at 8:30 a.m. After the end of the last day of practicals, a final test is written. If the student did not complete practicals at the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology, he must replace them there. The final test can only be taken by a student with 100 % participation in all 3 days of practicals.

Notice to all students!

An exam from another subject is not a reason to excuse non-participation in practicals. You have to sign up for other dates!


Replacement of practicals in infectology and the final test

Replacement of practicals in infectology and the final test for students of the 4th year of dentistry will be on May 27 at 8:00 a.m. on the 4th floor of the Dept. of infectious diseases, in room no. 458. Please confirm your participation!


Evaluation of the study subject:
  • attendance of practicals is obligatory for all 3 days (1 day Dpt. of Hematology and Transfusiology, 2 days Dpt. of Infectology and Geographical Medicine)
  • working - out semestral topic
  • passing out written test (minimaly 36 correct answers of 60 answers)

The conditions for performance of the compensating tuition and payment of tuition fee at compensatory practical training for foreign students - self payers 



Learning materials

Learning materials from the subject Infectology are in MS Teams in the team "Infektologia" (link).

The login code is: 1atacr1

Summer semester schedule
Final test

The test will be after the last practicals at the Department of Infectology and Geographical Medicine.

Final test
Test evaluation

Diploma work

Publication of thesis assignments for the academic year 2023/24


The deadline of submission of Diploma work is October 15, 2023.

DW is submitted in printed hard back form in two copies at the institute/clinic where the student has prepared his/her DW. After Defence of DW one copy of hard back form shall be kept in the workplace.

In the same time till October 20, 2024 the student is required to submit electronic versions of his/her DW into the system AIS2. After this deadline will not be possible to insert a DW into the system.

The electronic version must be identical to the paper version, except the Thesis Assignment (without signatures of responsible persons).

Send only FINAL VERSION. The work can be sent only once.

In case that there have been changes in regards to the previous assignement is required to print the new assignment, which is a mandatory part of the DP.

The defense of the Diploma Work is 20. 11. 2024 at 13:30 p.m. at the Department of Infectology and Geographical Medicine, 4th floor, room n. 458 (the date will be published later).

Tips for thesis
Instructions for thesis