2nd Department of gynaecology and obstetrics
General information about courses at our departement
Students of both 5th and 6th year will come first day of the course to 10th floor /B side, on 7:30 am to the seminary room, at the end of the corridor. There will be a welcome, instructions and assignment for the next days. This schedule, as well as presence form, will be available at secretary on 10th floor.
The students are presented on the II. gyn.- obst. clinic in the morning of the practicals at 10th floor according to the actual schedule on the clinic. / GDPR - not allowes to present it on the web/
Morning meeting of the clinic - starts at 7:10 a.m/ the big meeting room of the II. G-O dep. 10th floor B at the end of the tract 10B/ - the presence of the students, especially students actually listed in the operation programme as assistants or observers. / 1st day of the practicals - presence of the whole group!/ The students will wait in front of the door of the morning meeting at 10B department!
Main ward rounds - before 8:00 a.m.,
ward 10A / operating dep./ - monday, thursday
ward 10B / risk pregnancy / - tuesday, friday .
Delivery room and puerperal tracts 9A, 9B - wednesday
+PLUS: daily wards rounds on every ward before 8:00 a.m.
Please do not leave the department before 1:30 p.m. For the coffee break, lunch and other reasons please ask the supervisor. During the practicals the student can be every time scheduled to the operation theatre to assist.
Attention! The students scheduled as assistants for OP must stay in the theatres till the end of the actual daily operation programme. Earlier can the student be released only after consultation with the head of OP department 10A or his actual representatives. The student scheduled for the OP is responsible for this assistance and must be present at the theatre at 7:30 - presence by the MD or instrumental nurse
The legend:
op 4, 5 - operating theatre 4 and 5 / 1st floor of the hospital in the complex of operating theatres / The program starts at 7:30 a.m.
53 - consiliary ambulance, ground floor of the policlinical part of the hospital / lower part of the hospital where is the students cloak room / starts at 7:30 a.m.
59 - ultrasound ambulance, ground floor of the policlinical part of the hospital / lower part of the hospital where is the students cloak room / starts at 7:30 a.m.
10 B – materno-fetal dep. - "pathological gravidity"
USG – ultrasound examination room at 10 B
10 A - operating department
Z – little interventions theatre - 10th floor / behind the elevators/
P – obstetrics / 9th floor/
SC - theatre for caesarean sections / 9th floor/
9A – puerperal tract standard
9B – puerperal tract charged
5th year - General medicine - Obstetrics and gynecology
5th year - Dentistry
6th year - General medicine - Obstetrics and gynecology
Gynecological Oncology
Compulsory optional subject for 4th and 5th year
Diploma thesis
Date of oral presentation of diploma thesis - will be announced
Obstetrics simulator Victoria
Obstetrical courses in the simulation centre at the faculty, summer semester:
Erasmus students will follow their scheduled english speeking group on the simulation according to the schedule!
Before the practical simulation it is necessary to study following topics theoretical:
Vaginal examination and speculum examination in obstetrics.
Physiological delivery.
Breech delivery.
Shoulder dystocia.
Manual and digital extraction of the fetus.
Forceps and ventouse delivery.
Palpation examination of the gravid abdomen sec Leopold.
Positions of the fetus in utero.
Obstetrical injuries of the birth canal.
Before every practical lecture all students must pass the test from the topics abowe minimally 80 percents.
The schedule of the simulator - see table abowe in "students actually on the clinic - schedule and FAQs for download"