Diploma works
Defence DW 2024
Defence of DW take place at the workplace, where DW has been submitted. The student who prepared and submitted DW has the right to be informed on the opinion of the supervisor and the opponent at the latest 3 days before the day of thesis defence. The opinions will be published by means of AIS immediately after their input into AIS by the supervisor of DW, or by the opponent.
DW supervisor is obliged to obtain two Certificates of School Work Originality, i.e. from the Central Register (CRZP). Opinion of the supervisor of diploma work have to contain the statement of the result of the protocol of Originality of diploma work in the case if the consensus is more than 30% (Article No. 8 - Submission of School Work, Licence Agreement and Originality Control – CU Internal Regulation No. 7/2011)
DW supervisor is obliged to obtain Certificate of Originality from the Theses system - Internal regulation No. 7/2017 (Directive of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava, Supplement No.1 to the Internal Regulation No.12/2013 to the Directive of the Rector of Comenius University about basic requirements of diploma works, doctoral theses and habilitation works, control of their originality, storage and accessibility at Comenius University in Bratislava).
The student is obliged to prepare one copy of the title page of DW, which will be presented to the Committee during his/her defence.
Defence of DW 2024
on the 1st.Department of Internal Medicine
- in presence form
Date : at 3.12.2024 at 11,00
Place: UNB, Mickiewiczova Str.13, Block H, 1st floor, Library
The student is obliged to prepare one copy of the title page of DW, which will be presented to the Committee during his/her defence.
Head : doc.MUDr. Soňa Kiňová, PhD
Members: prof.MUDr.Ján Murín,CSc., doc.MUDr.Jozef Bulas,CSc.,doc.MUDr. Ľudovít
Lukáč, PhD, doc.MUDr.Emoke Šteňová, PhD.
Diagnostic Approches for Large Vessel Vasculitis
Diagnostické postupy pri vaskulitíde veľkých ciev
Karina Lopatin Doc.MUDr. Šteňová, PhD.
Oponent Doc. MUDr. Lukáč, PhD.
Therapeutical Approches in Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis
Terapeutický prístup u akútnej a chronickej pankreatitídy
Sophie Cathérine Bormuth Doc. MUDr. Lukáč, PhD.
Oponent Doc.Dr.Šteňová, PhD.
Defence of DW take place at the workplace, where DW has been submitted. The student who prepared and submitted DW has the right to be informed on the opinion of the supervisor and the opponent at the latest 3 days before the day of thesis defence. The opinions will be published by means of AIS immediately after their input into AIS by the supervisor of DW, or by the opponent.
DW supervisor is obliged to obtain two Certificates of School Work Originality, i.e. from the Central Register (CRZP). Opinion of the supervisor of diploma work have to contain the statement of the result of the protocol of Originality of diploma work in the case if the consensus is more than 30% (Article No. 8 - Submission of School Work, Licence Agreement and Originality Control – CU Internal Regulation No. 7/2011)
DW supervisor is obliged to obtain Certificate of Originality from the Theses system - Internal regulation No. 7/2017 (Directive of the Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava, Supplement No.1 to the Internal Regulation No.12/2013 to the Directive of the Rector of Comenius University about basic requirements of diploma works, doctoral theses and habilitation works, control of their originality, storage and accessibility at Comenius University in Bratislava).
The student is obliged to prepare one copy of the title page of DW, which will be presented to the Committee during his/her defence.
Defence of DW 2024
on the 1st.Department of Internal Medicine
- in presence form
Date : at 5.12.2024 at 9,30
Place: UNB, Mickiewiczova Str.13, Block G, 2st floor, Library, 202
The student is obliged to prepare one copy of the title page of DW, which will be presented to the Committee during his/her defence.
Head: prof.MUDr. Viera Štvrtinová, CSc.
Members: doc. Dr.Denisa Čelovská,PhD.
doc.MUDr.Ján Lietava, CSc., Dr. Čaprnda, PhD.
Contrast-Induced Hyponatriemia in Hospitalizated Patients
Kontrastom indukovaná hyponatriémia u hospitalizovaných pacientov
Benjamin Rott doc.MUDr.Kučera, PhD.
oponent MUDr. Róbert Brnka, PhD.
Hematological Indices in Cardiovascular Diseases
Hematologické markery kardiovaskulárnych chorôb
Mariella Sophie Brand doc.MUDr.Kučera, PhD.
oponent prof.Dr. Ľudovít Gašpar, CSc.
DEFENCE in Year 2025
Head: prof.MUDr. Viera Štvrtinová, CSc.
Members: doc. Dr.Denisa Čelovská,PhD.
doc.MUDr.Ján Lietava, CSc., Dr. Čaprnda, PhD.
Students :
Effect on Nutraceutical Therapy on Oxidative Stress in Hyperlipidemic Patients
Efekt nutraceutík na liečbu oxidačného stresu u hyperlipidových pacientov
Romy Lavinia Zuber doc. MUDr. Ján Lietava, CSc.
Effect of Nutraceutical Therapy on Lipid Spectrum in Hyperlipidemic Patients
Efekt nutraceutík na lipidové spectrum u pacientov s hyperlipidémiou
Emilie Zuleger doc. MUDr. Ján Lietava, CSc.
Lower Extremity Amputation in Patients with
Peripheral Artery Disease
Amputácie dolných končatín u pacientov s periférnym
artériovým ochorením
Datis Masoumi doc.MUDr.Čaprnda, PhD.